Thursday, February 20, 2020

Climate Change and Deforestation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 12500 words

Climate Change and Deforestation - Essay Example The forests with the huge abundance of trees play a major role in maintaining the carbon cycle in the earth’s environmental system. Tress effectively maintains the carbon cycle through the conversion of carbon present in the atmosphere to form its body and operate its respiratory system. Henceforth the trees, which are large storehouses of natural carbon, emit such vehemently into the atmosphere on being cut down or being burnt (Forests Forever). The practice of deforestation in several countries at increasing level led to the growth of temperature of the climate in several regions like Canada, United States and Australia to name a few. During the period ranging from 1990 to 2010 huge changes in climatic temperatures were recorded in these countries, which would be compared to the deforestation activities taken place in these regions during the stated period. However a range of recent findings conducted by environmentalists reflect that the event of deforestation tends to have an inverse impact on the climatic temperatures. The large number of studies conducted show that from the prehistoric times till date a large number of forest reserves have been cut or burned down amounting to large scale deforestation. Still in comparison to the magnitude of deforestation the climatic temperature has risen insignificantly. On the contrary, the large amount of deforestation has culminated to the cooling of the surface temperature of the earth. ... However a range of recent findings conducted by environmentalists reflect that the event of deforestation tends to have an inverse impact on the climatic temperatures. The large number of studies conducted show that from the prehistoric times till date a large number of forest reserves have been cut or burned down amounting to large scale deforestation. Still in comparison to the magnitude of deforestation the climatic temperature has risen insignificantly. On the contrary, the large amount of deforestation has culminated to the cooling of the surface temperature of the earth. Studies made suggest that owing to deforestation the reflective index of the earth’s surface has increased which radiates the solar heat to the atmosphere. This effect is mainly responsible for the cooling of the earth’s surface. Further owing to the large amounts of deforestation activities the earth’s upper crust has considerably cooled which caused the emergence of the northern and south ern hemisphere. These regions because of the cool surface temperatures have become too cold to be totally covered by ice. Again the progress of the earth’s cooling activities made the ice packed regions to become denser by the event of their joining up to form a unified mass (Renssen, Goosse and Fichefet). Background Impact of Climate Change The phenomenon of climate change is expected to produce a diversified base of different factors, which would tend to alter the ecological balance of the earth’s natural atmosphere. Observation shows that a rise in the temperature of the global climate can contribute heavily in altering the events of rainfall or snowfall in the world. This in turn would affect the moisture contents of the soil textures important for plant growth. Further, a rise in the

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Athenian Judgment in Melos Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Athenian Judgment in Melos - Essay Example Melos was, however, actually under the Spartan power and this was the fact that irritated the Athenians. Soon they arrived at this small island with their power to force the Melian leader to come under their rule. Looking at the huge Athenian force that had arrived at the place it was natural for the Melians to be afraid of the situation. The Melian leaders were afraid of a different issue. Athenians were the most skillful orators and they could perform very well to move the sentiment of common people. Now, Melos had stayed as a free state for more than seven hundred remaining neutrals from all the warfare that took place earlier. It was really a matter of extreme shame for them to let freedom go out of their hand despite any of their own faults. So as a consequence, the Melian heroes and commissioners decided to meet the envoys privately. The statement, which was given from the part of the Melians, was if they would surrender to the Athenians, the latter will never lay their hands o n the Melians’ properties and freedom. We get a beautiful account of this dialogue in the work of Thucydides’ history. Athenians had the mentality that was too hard to melt. They clearly said in reply to the proposal of the Melians that they were here for the wrong treatment, which Melians had done to them being a part of the Spartan Empire. Moreover, they added that giving a long speech about the Melian freedom was useless, as they had to suffer for their own deed. Melians on the other side were also expert at law and they clearly showed what law had to say.