Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Price Discrimination

Value separation Price segregation is the act of charging an alternate cost for a similar decent or administration. There are three of sorts of value segregation †first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree value separation. First degree First-degree separation, then again known as impeccable value segregation, happens when a firm charges an alternate cost for each unit expended. The firm can charge the most extreme conceivable cost for every unit which empowers the firm to catch all accessible buyer surplus for itself.In practice, first-degree separation is uncommon. Second degree Second-degree value segregation implies charging an alternate cost for various amounts, for example, amount limits for mass buys. Third degree Third-degree value segregation implies charging an alternate cost to various purchaser gatherings. For instance, rail and cylinder voyagers can be partitioned into suburbanite and easygoing explorers, and film goers can be partition into grown-ups and childre n.Splitting the market into top and off pinnacle use is exceptionally normal and happens with gas, power, and phone flexibly, just as exercise center participation and stopping charges. Third-degree separation is the commonest type. Fundamental conditions for fruitful separation Price segregation can possibly happen if certain conditions are met. 1. The firm should have the option to recognize diverse market fragments, for example, household clients and modern clients. 2. Various fragments must have diverse value versatilities (PEDs). 3.Markets must be kept isolated, either by time, physical separation and nature of utilization, for example, Microsoft Office ‘Schools’ release which is just accessible to instructive establishments, at a lower cost. 4. There must be no drainage between the two markets, which implies that a shopper can't buy at the low cost in the flexible sub-market, and afterward exchange to different purchasers in the inelastic sub-advertise, at a more significant expense. 5. The firm should have some level of imposing business model force. Video Diagram for value discriminationIf we accept peripheral cost (MC) is consistent over all business sectors, regardless of whether the market is isolated, it will rise to average all out expense (ATC). Benefit amplification will happen at the cost and yield where MC = MR. On the off chance that the market can be isolated, the cost and yield in the inelastic sub-market will be P and Q and P1 and Q1 in the versatile sub-advertise. At the point when the business sectors are isolated, benefits will be the region MC, P,X,Y + MC1,P1,X1,Y1. On the off chance that the market can't be isolated, and the two submarkets are joined, benefits will be the zone MC2,P2,X2,Y2.If the benefit from isolating the sub-markets is more noteworthy than for consolidating the sub-markets, at that point the judicious benefit boosting monopolist will cost separate. Market detachment and flexibility Discrimination is jus t worth endeavor if the benefit from isolating the business sectors is more noteworthy than from keeping the business sectors joined, and this will rely on the versatilities of interest in the sub-markets. Customers in the inelastic sub-market will be charged the more significant expense, and those in the versatile sub-market will be charged the lower cost.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Top Ways to Get Your Dream Job If You Lack Qualification

Top Ways to Get Your Dream Job If You Lack Qualification Approaches to Land Your Dream Job when You Do Not Have Enough Qualification What separates the fantasy work from a standard activity? Common occupation is the one that you just get cash from and dream work is something that you truly like doing and notwithstanding delight it additionally brings you salary. More often than not, so as to land the position of you17r dreams, you have to have some phenomenal abilities that separate you from others. Dream work is the thing that challenges us, gives us an exceptional chance to develop and permits us to have a decent pay simultaneously. All the time, something can hold up traffic between the activity you had always wanted and you. Now and again, its five years of professional training and in different cases it very well may be as basic as information on Power Point. Despite the fact that you can once in a while arrange work capabilities, managers may at present accept you in the event that they accept that youre the best individual for this position. In this way, in the event that you waver to go after the position you had always wanted on the grounds that two or three visual cues in prerequisites are absent in your range of abilities, peruse and follow these best 5 hints and dont let your dread stop you: Plan Properly A main thing that you ought to do before a meeting is to examine the business and its top individuals. Study the site, items, public statements, web based life channels and read about the business circle where organization is working. On the off chance that you show manager that youre educated, they will see that you are a brisk student, which would be a major in addition to. Dress As If You Already Have the Job In spite of the fact that you may not fit all the prerequisites, you shouldnt show even a hint of uncertainty. Be sure and let the business see that you are the individual they need. Clean yourself both inside by having the correct mentality and remotely by wearing great garments. Show Your Excellence Alongside the exceptional introductory letter, set up a reminder demonstrating that you comprehend the best difficulties that the positions youre applying for involves and how you intend to deal with them. Posting the thoughts of how you can profit the organization and assist them with developing their business is additionally a smart thought. Be Passionate, Confident and Honest These are the characteristics that recruiting administrators are glancing in representatives. Attempt to show energy, certainty and trustworthiness in equalization and you will without a doubt establish a decent connection with your boss. Pose Clever Inquiries Pose inquiries that show the employing administrator that you have gotten your work done and think about the organization and your forthcoming position a ton. Tune in to employing supervisors answers plainly and dont waver to step up in the event that you feel that its vital. With enough certainty and quality, you can go after your fantasy position even without having 100% of required capabilities. Show your energy and the rest will follow.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The CFPBs New Payday Lending Rule Is a Big Win The CFPBs New Payday Lending Rule Is a Big Win for Socially Responsible Lending

The CFPBs New Payday Lending Rule Is a Big Win The CFPBs New Payday Lending Rule Is a Big Win for Socially Responsible Lending The CFPBs New Payday Lending Rule is a Big Win for Socially Responsible Lending The CFPBs New Payday Lending Rule is a Big Win for Socially Responsible LendingPayday and title lenders will be tasked with making sure their customers can actually afford their products.Last week, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) finally announced a new rule aimed at curbing predatory payday debt traps. The rule marks a large step forward for the bureau’s attempts to regulate the payday and title lending industries and to protect vulnerable consumers.“The CFPB’s new rule puts a stop to the payday debt traps that have plagued communities across the country,” said CFPB Director Richard Cordray in a press release. “Too often, borrowers who need quick cash end up trapped in loans they can’t afford. The rule’s common sense ability-to-repay protections prevent lenders from succeeding by setting up borrowers to fail.”“Only time will tell if these “full payment tests” will lower the number of full payment loans given to those who can’t pay them back,† says finance writer Jen Smith. “Someone will eventually find a way to manipulate it for their gain but I think it’s a step in the right direction and a sign the CFPB is still working to protect consumers.So, okay, awesome. But what does all of this actually mean?Let’s break it down, shall we?What are payday and title loans?The new rule primarily affects payday loans and title loans, but it will also apply to deposit advance products and certain longer-term loans (up to 45 days) that feature “balloon payments” towards the end of the loan’s term.If you’re not familiar with payday and title loans, then we’ll give you a brief refresher:Payday loans are short-term, small-dollar personal loans. They usually have principals of a few hundred dollars, and the average length of their repayment term is only two weeks. Payday loans are no credit check loans, which means the lenders do not check a customer’s credit score during the loan application process.The loans are desig ned to be paid back all at once, oftentimes through a post-dated check that the customer gives to the lender when the loan is issued or through a debit agreement wherein the lender can automatically withdraw the funds from the customer’s account.If a customer can’t pay the loan back on time, they might be given the option to roll the loan over (extending the due date for an extra fee) or taking out another loan immediately after they’ve paid the first loan off.Because payday loans charge interest over such a short repayment period, their annual percentage rates are astronomical compared to traditional loans. While their rates may vary, they’re often in the neighborhood of 300 percent or even higher!Title loans are another kind of short-term loan that use the borrower’s car title as collateral. If the borrower cannot pay the loan back, the lender can seize their car and sell it in order to make up its losses.Because they’re secured by collateral, title loans have much hig her principals than payday loans. However, they are also built to be paid back all at onceâ€"a structure thats known as “lump sum repayment.”The average term of a title loan is only a month,  but the average interest rate is 25 percent, which means that their average APR is 300 percent! If a borrower cannot pay their loan back, they might be forced to extend their loan, again and again, each time racking up additional costs without ever getting closer to paying down their original principal.When the CFPB talks about the payday debt trap, they’re talking about situations like that.The CFPB’s rule centers around the “full payment test.”Payday and title loans are bad credit loans, which means that theyre aimed at people with low credit scores. These are  folks who often have low incomes and little-to-no life savings, and their bad credit scores have cut them off from borrowing options at traditional lenders. When they encounter a financial emergency or find they can’t mak e ends meet, they see payday and title loans as possibly their only choice.In situations such as these, it might seem like a blessing to them that payday and title lenders do not check their credit scores or their ability to repay their loan. Doing so might lead the lender to deny the customer’s application.However, the CFPB sees things a little bit differently. They believe lenders should be checking a customers ability to repay their loan the first timeâ€"without rolling it over or reborrowing. That’s what their new rule is going to make lenders do.Here’s how the CFPB’s new “full payment test” rule will workThe CFPB’s full payment test will require that lenders determine whether a customer can afford to repay their loan while also affording their other major financial obligations, including living expenses.For payday and title loans that require lump sum repayment, the CFPB is defining full payment as “being able to afford to pay the total loan amount, plus fees an d finance charges within two weeks or a month.”For longer-term loans with balloon payments, the CFPB is defining full repayment as “being able to afford the payments in the month with the highest total payments on the loan.”Lenders will be required to “verify income and major financial obligations and estimate basic living expenses for a one-month periodâ€"the month in which the highest sum of payments is due.”The rule will also cap the number of loans that can be taken out by a borrower “in quick succession” to three.Once a borrower has reached their third loan, the CFPB’s rule will mandate a 30-day “cooling-off period” before they can take out another loan.Lenders can skip the full payment test if they offer a  â€œprincipal pay-off option.”The CFPB will offer an exemption from this full payment test for certain short-term loans if the lender offers customers a “principal pay-off option.” This option is designed to get consumers out of debt gradually over timeâ€"more like traditional installment loans.If a customer can’t pay their loan off on time, they will be given the option of paying it off over two subsequent loans, each with a smaller and smaller principal amount.The customer will have to pay off at least one-third of their original balance with each loan.The rule will be restricted to loans with principals of $500 or less.These loans cannot use a car title as collateral or be structured as open-ended lines of credit.The lender is prohibited from offering this option over more than three loans.The rule also prohibits the lender from offering this option to a customer “if the consumer has already had more than six short-term loans or been in debt for more than 90 days on short-term loans over a rolling 12-month period.”Some lenders and loans will be exempt from this rule.The CFPB does carve out some space for lenders whose loan volume is either very small or who are already following guidelines meant to protect customers from predatory payday lending.According to the CFPB’s press release, “These are usually small personal loans made by community banks or credit unions to existing customers or members.”Lenders will be exempt if:They offer “2,500 or fewer covered short-term or balloon-payment loans per year.”They derive “no more than 10 percent of its revenue from such loans.”They are offering loans that “generally meet the parameters of “payday alternative loans” authorized by the National Credit Union Administration.”The rule also “excludes from coverage certain no-cost advances and advances of earned wages made under a wage advance program.”The rule institutes a “debit attempt  cut-off”This last feature of the CFPB’s new rules involves a lender’s attempts to continually debit a customer’s bank account for the amount owed.The reason for this is simple: If a person is unable to repay their loan, repeated debits on their account will only rack up additional bank fe es and could even lead to them losing their account altogether.This section of the rule applies short-term loans, as well as any longer-term loan with an APR above 36 percent. It has two main features:After two straight unsuccessful debit attempts, a lender must stop debiting the account until they get a new authorization from the customer.If a lender is going to debit a customer’s account “at an irregular interval or amount”, they must first give them written notice.The rule is a great step forward in protecting consumers but we still have room to grow,” says Smith. “I suggest people never give a creditor your debit account information because they will not stop debiting your account until they’re paid in full. The debit attempt cutoff rule will save consumers a lot of fees associated with this problem.”So what happens now?Well, that’s a tricky question, isn’t it? The rules won’t fully take effect for 21 monthsâ€"which means mid-2019. Between now and then, a lot could change. There could be lawsuits, for instance, or there could be attempts by the payday lending industry to compromise with the CFPB in return for some relief from regulation.Director Richard Cordray’s terms will be up in 2018 before the majority of these rules are in effect. He was an Obama appointee, while his successor will be appointed by Trump. It’s safe to say that whoever ends up replacing might have fairly contrary views to those held by Cordray.Certain corners of the payday lending industry are predicting a mini-collapse if these rules take effect. They claim razor-thin profit margins that won’t be able to withstand the burdens that these regulations place on them.The biggest worry with this new rule is that customers for whom subprime loans  are their primary access to credit will find themselves cut off entirely.However, the biggest hope is that financial institutions of all sorts will rise to the occasion and start offering better, more affordable, more soci ally responsible products to customers with not-so-great credit.Only time will tell, but as a company that is already offering people with poor credit a safer and more affordable alternative to predatory payday loans, all of us here at OppLoans are pretty dang optimistic.What do you think about the CFPB’s new rule? We want to know!  You can  email us  or you can find us on  Facebook  and  Twitter.  Visit OppLoans on YouTube | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedINContributorsJen Smith  is a personal finance and debt payoff expert. She has been featured on Student Loan Hero, The Penny Hoarder, and AOL Finance. Her website is

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Capital Punishment and its Alternatives Essay examples

Steven Bright, a human rights attorney, states, It can be argued that rapists deserve to be raped, that mutilators deserve to be mutilated. Most societies, however, refrain from responding in this way because the punishment is not only degrading to those on whom it is imposed, but it is also degrading to the society that engages in the same behavior as the criminals. The Eighth Amendment in the Bill of Rights, exempts all unusual or cruel criminal punishments (Bill of Rights). Including exemption of extremely high bails, death by firing squad, being strangled, burned, etc. (Bill of Rights). The controversy here is if the Eighth Amendment includes or omits capital punishment. Capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, can be†¦show more content†¦In addition, the severity of capital punishment is the ultimatum of a human being’s death. This is truly unfair since in certain cases, inmates are found to be innocent but it is too late. Unfortunately, this is what happened in the case of George Stinney Jr. George was a fourteen-year-old black boy who was executed in 1944 for allegedly killing two white girls in South Carolina (San Jose News). He was wrongly accused and later convicted with lack of evidence and an unsteady confession in a segregated society (San Jose News). Even if the case is reopened and Stinney’s name is cleared, justice can never be held for young Stinney and his family. One of the cruel realties of capital punishment is once your punishment is served, it is too late. Another is stated by Bryan Stevenson, a death row lawyer, â€Å"The reality is that capital punishment in America is a lottery. It is a punishment that is shaped by the constraints of poverty, race, geography and local politics. Alternatives for capital punishment are endless. Life without parole is one of the most common. However, the best alternative for capital punishment is one where no murder happened at all (Ted). The truth is we cannot eliminate murders one-hundred percent, but we can do our best to prevent it. Research tells us that eighty percent of inmates on death row come fromShow MoreRelated Capital Punishment: The Correct Alternative Essay1497 Words   |  6 PagesCapital Punishment: The Correct Alternative      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Today there is a big controversy over capital punishment whether or not it works or if it is morally right. Before I go on capital punishment, in America, is only used in felony cases such as murder or a felony buglary, where there was a unintended murder because of a robbery. People who favor the death penalty say that the criminals deserve it and is the only way for justice to be served. People who are against it, the death penalty, say thatRead MoreCapital Punishment Has Always Been A Major Controversy1710 Words   |  7 PagesCapital punishment has always been a major controversy ever since the Supreme Court ruled it constitutional. 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One downfall to capital punishment includes the risk of taking an innocent life such as Cameron Todd Willingham who was wrongfully convicted in 1992 and executed in 2004. There is also a risk of having a botched execution. A mistake might be made during the procedure, making it long and painful for the prisonersRead MoreThe Costs of the Death Penalty in the United States Essay1518 Words   |  7 PagesThe Costs of the Death Penalty in the United States Capital punishment has existed in the US since colonial times. Since then, more than 13,000 people have been legally executed. Today, there are only twelve states which do not have the death penalty: Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia and Wisconsin, as well as Washington D.C. The locations of these states are importantRead MoreArgumentative Essay On The Death Penalty1112 Words   |  5 Pagespenalty is defined as the punishment of execution, administered to someone who has committed a terrible crime (Capital Punishment 1). This is also known as capital punishment, which is known for disregarding the human rights. Although many countries continue to enforce the death penalty, some countries think it should not be practiced. According to the United States, the death penalty continues to be a charged and controversial political and legal issue(Capital Punishment 1). In addition to, the deathRead More Capital Punishment Essay: Capital Punishment Targets the Poor1031 Words   |  5 PagesCapital Punishment Targets the Poor In some states, inmates can be executed for crimes they committed at the age of 16; in others, only those who committed murder at age 18 or older are eligible for the death penalty. This essay will demonstrate that such inconsistencies and many other factors cause a situation where the poor are consistently targeted by the death penalty.    Some states, but not all, ban the execution of people with mental retardation. Some states include felonyRead MoreCapital Punishment : The Death Penalty1644 Words   |  7 Pages Death Penalty in America Death penalty, which is often described as capital punishment, is pronounced on offenders who have committed extremely heinous crimes. It is an ancient practice but in the United States it has faced several controversies in the latter half of the twentieth century (Robertson, 14). Does the death penalty serve any purpose in our current judicial system? Criminal executions were first implemented in our society as a crime deterrent to ensure that the offenders cannot engageRead MoreLife Imprisonment1378 Words   |  6 Pages| LIFE IMPRISONMENT IS A GOOD ALTERNATIVE TO CAPITAL PUNISHMENT | Can life imprisonment be a good alternative to death penalty? The issue remains unresolved. Even the US Supreme Court that had abolished ‘Death Penalty’ reversed its decision when new and less cruel methods of execution were introduced.  Why does a society punish its members for certain acts that are offensive and unacceptable to its laws and codes? This can be a starting point of exploring our dilemma about death penalty vs. life

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Health Care System Of America Essay - 2131 Words

The health care system in America has continued to fail many Americans until date. Although the government continues to try and improve it, America still has one of the most expensive yet worst health care systems in the developed world (Hellman, 2014). Health care reform needs to be greatly focused on in order to combat the inequalities within the system. While reading Mama Might Be Better Off Dead: The Failure of Health Care in Urban America, the author described numerous ways in which the health care system failed the Banes’s family. As a Social Worker, my goal is to improve society s overall well-being for all populations. In the book, Abraham (1993) gave us a detailed account of the Banes’s, a poor African American family coping with distressing illnesses and living in a poor community. The Bane’s struggled indefinitely trying to access good medical care and insurance. The family experienced instances where the services they received were not sufficient. One instance that made me as a Social Worker uncomfortable was pertaining to Robert’s lack of knowledge on his need of care. When Robert received the first sign that his kidneys were failing, he received a diagnosis of focal glomerulosclerosis. This condition was fatal and Robert had not received any treatment for it neither did he see a doctor again for this issue until four years later. This instance is a problem because it shows a lack of care, follow- up and knowledge on the subject matter given on behalf of hisShow MoreRelatedThe Health Care System Of America Essay2157 Words   |  9 PagesThe health care system in America is unlike any other. Many Americans go into debt every day because of medical bills and costs. America is the one of the only countries in the world that has its citizens falling into bankruptcy due to healthcare costs. Not only is the healthcare expensive and doesn’t extend care to everyone, the system treats those of different races differently. Health disparities has been a big issue in America’s history since slavery and continues to resonate here to this dayRead MoreAmerica s Health Care System1342 Words   |  6 PagesHow many times have you heard, America has the best health care system in the world? This may be partially true however, Americans are paying the most for health care in the world. Actually, many wonder whether we d be better off adopting a universal health care system. The Unites States is the only industrialized nation that does not provide universal health care for its citizens. Many feel the health care system either costs too much, covers too little and virtually makes it impossible to obtainRead MoreAmerica s Health Care System Essay1615 Words   |  7 Pages Health care is meant to provide medical or psychological care for the entire human population. In order to pay for health care, one must have health insurance or be able to pay out of pocket. However, health care in the United States are nowhere near cheap. In fact, America has the worst healthcare system in the world. America’s health care system is a direct-fee system. A majority of countries around the globe are government controlled. Taxes primarily finance their health care access and deliveryRead MoreEssay on Fixing the Health Care System in America1134 Words   |  5 Pagesyears of my life I have worked in the healthcare industry. One of the biggest issues plaguing our nation today has been the ever rising cost of health care. If we dont get costs under control, we risk losing the entire system, as well as potentially crippling our economy. For the sake of our future, we must find a way to lower the cost of health care in this nation. Last year the average cost of an insurance policy for a family of four was $20,728.00 according to the Milliman Medical Index (2012Read MoreAmerica s Current Health Care System1830 Words   |  8 PagesAccording to Joe Conason, America s current health care system wastes considerably more than a trillion dollars every year. We know that because countries such as France, Germany, Japan and Finland, with comparable standards of living to ours, spend roughly half what the United States spends annually on health care per citizen, while covering everyone and achieving better results. (Conason, 2009) The United States healthcare financial systems are severely flawed - affecting the overall cost controlRead MoreImproving America s Current Health Care System1270 Words   |  6 PagesImproving America’s Current Health Care System The health care system of the United States is dysfunctional and broken. While many upper and middle class Americans have nothing to worry about since they can afford health care insurance, the lower class are neglected and pushed to the side. Including funding and performance, the costs of the health care insurance has caused current political evaluations. Yes, Medicaid does cover the poor Americans, but you do not receive the same treatment and coverageRead MoreWhat Are The Financial Factors That Affect The Health Care System In America1199 Words   |  5 PagesThe Health Care System in America The United States spends far more money on healthcare than any other developed country and despite the large amounts spent the United States has the poorest health outcomes and highest risk factors (Stone, 2017). When compared to other countries the United States has the lowest life expectancy at birth, the largest population of obese, and the highest number of people over the age of 65 with chronic health conditions. Many health disparities exist in the countryRead MoreWhat Are The Forces Within America That Have Shaped Our Health Care System? Essay1488 Words   |  6 PagesQuestions Suggested Responses. 1. What are the forces within America that have shaped our health care system? Many forces shape our current healthcare system. Our cultural belief and values shape our views on our social, political, and economic exigencies. While our beliefs and values usually represent basic or core impressions of individuals in our society, they are constantly changing. Thus, they lend a sense of dynamism to our health care system. Our cultural beliefs and values also impact our senseRead MoreHealth Care Systems : The Uk, Canada, And The United States906 Words   |  4 PagesThe purpose of this paper is to compare health care systems in three western industrialized democratic societies: The UK, Canada, and the United States. Each nation’s health care system is a reflection of it’s history, politics, economy, and national values (Reid, 2009). Although there are local varations of health care systems, they all tend to follow the same general pattern. In some models, government is both the provider of health care and the payer. In others, doctors and hospitals are in theRead MoreUs vs Canada Health Essay1270 Words   |  6 Pagesbetween health care in the United States and health care in Canada has been a continuing debate. America does not have a universal health coverage plan for its population, while Canadians are privileged to have universal health coverage. Normally a patient will pay twice as much for health coverage in the United States compared to treatment in Canada. This puts the US in first position of having the most expensive health care system on earth. (

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Silent Stars Free Essays

Home. Finally. I turn off the heater, the lights, and then the engine. We will write a custom essay sample on Silent Stars or any similar topic only for you Order Now Work was difficult. Another 7-hour shift, completed. I grab my belongings, open the door, and walk to my house. The dogs are barking already. The ferocious bark of Reggie and the low, almost growling of Checkers can be heard from the porch. I open the door to find the addition lights on. Everyone else is asleep. The dogs greet me with their usual delight. Checkers sniffs my legs, and Reggie stars at me, wagging his little â€Å"nubbin.† Turning back to the door, I turn the lock. With a little push, I make sure the door is completely closed. I turn the knob once to make sure it is actually locked. You just never know if someone will come in your home in the middle of the night. I pull the cord, and turn off the light. I hate the dark. My parents snore so loudly. Creeping past their bedroom to my own room, I open the door slowly in an attempt to smother the inevitable screeching sound. â€Å"Erin? Is that you?† Dad asks the instant the door sounds. â€Å"Yeah, Dad. I’m home.† I turn on my bedroom light, and close the door. There’s no need to worry about the sound it makes now. Dad is already awake. My shoulder throbs from all the weight I’m carrying. I put my book bag down in the corner of the room. Placing my orange bag on my bed, I begin to take out all the clothes that need washed. First, my tennis shorts, then my shirt, then my socks, then my shoes. Yep, everything’s there. Next, I take out my school clothes: my jeans, my shirt, and my shoes. Good, didn’t forget anything. Finally, I take the clothes and put in them in the hamper. I’ll never remember in the morning. I go to my closet to pick out my pajamas, choosing my undergarments first. Next, I choose a shirt to sleep in. The last article is my pants. Everything has to match. If they don’t, I have to put them back. Another ten-minute process. Time to shower. The smell of grease, fries, and fat, fast food is overwhelming at night. I slowly slide the door closed, turn on the light, and open the hamper. Showering quickly, I make sure to wash my hair twice. I hate stiff hair. I turn off the water and dry myself. Then, I get dressed, and get ready to brush my teeth. I take my toothbrush out of the holder. The nice, shiny, pink cover needs removed. Taking off the cover and placing it to the left of the sink, I wet my toothbrush once and apply the toothpaste. I wet the brush again. Brushing my teeth slowly, I make sure to get every tooth perfectly clean. Last, I slowly make soft circles on my front teeth making sure to get them cleaned extremely well. I run the brush under the water again, and then rinse my mouth with the hottest water that will come out. Spit the water out, then rinse again. It’s normal in my routine. Now my mouth is clean enough to talk. I sneak to the computer room, and quietly snatch the phone from its charger. Returning to my room is difficult. I have to slowly close the door to avoid waking my parents. I hold the phone under a pillow so my parents can’t hear me dial. Placing my finger on the 9, I dial his number with ease even though I cannot see the buttons I am pushing. Memorizing the location of the numbers on the phone has made this action easier. I quickly cover my head before he answers the phone to drown out the sound of my voice. He picks up and we talk for a while. The floor creaks as the furnace turns on. The sound is reassuring to me now. We hang up after a half an hour and I sneak the phone back to the computer room. I’m almost ready to sleep. I walk back to my room and close the door for the final time. Turning on the radio to Q 102, I grab the pink dinosaur he bought me for Easter, and climb into bed. Quickly I pray for my family and my friends and thank God for all the days he has given me. When I am finished talking to God, I shut my mouth, and then my eyes. The excitement of the day runs through my head again. I wonder about the events that have happened. If I had said something differently, or acted in a different way, what would have happened? Thinking about the fun things that occurred at work and school today makes me smile. My friends are impossible to replace. My mind seems to jump around more quickly now. That’s the sign I was looking for. I am getting close to sleep. As I begin to drift off, I listen to the radio. The words I hear begin to float in my head: â€Å"I probably wouldn’t be this way. I probably wouldn’t hurt so bad. I never pictured every minute, without you in it. Oh, you left so fast. Sometimes I†¦Ã¢â‚¬  How to cite Silent Stars, Papers

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Animal Farm by George Orwell Analysis Essay Example For Students

Animal Farm by George Orwell Analysis Essay In his book Animal Farm, George Orwell wrote a satire about communism. It also dealt with the Russion Revolution of 1917. A satire is a literary work that makes fun of the stupidity or vices of individuals, groups, institutions, or society in general. The animals on Manor Farm developed Animalism. They came up with their own rules and regulations. Some of the animals in the story represent people from our past. Old Major, an old boar, represents both Carl Marx, the founder of Communism, and Nikoli Lenin, a philosopher of Communism. Napleon, a young boar, represents Joseph Stalin. Snowball, another young boar, represents Leon Trotsky. Mr. Jones was the owner if Manor Farm. He was a drunken, incompetent man. Old major made an announcement to the other animals that he wanted to talk to them about a dream he had. He believed that man is bad and that animals are good. He talked how man takes what the animals produce such as eggs and milk. He sang a song called Beasts of England, in the song it described how the animals with take over and be free. Several nights later Old Major died in his sleep. His ideas and teachings fell upon the pigs, who are smartest of all animals. Dominants among the pigs were two young boars named Napoleon and Snowball. They passed on ideas to the other animals, and gained disciples. The Rebellion came quicker than anybody expected it to. Out of being starved, the cows raided the feed bins. After seeing this, Mr. Jones, and some of his workers, went out there with whips. The cows could not take anymore, and chased them out. They had taken over Manor Farm. The pigs learned how to read, and they changed the name of Manor Farm to Animal Farm. They also came up with Seven Commandments of Animalism. The animals worked hard and gave an endless effort. It was hard because the tools were made for man, and they could not stand on two legs for it would break one of the Seven Commandments. The pigs set aside the harness room as a headquarters for themselves. Here they would study blacksmithing, carpentering, and other arts. Snowball kept himself busy by forming animal committees, but many were failures. The reading and writing classes, however, were a great success. Some of the other animals were slightly literate, but many of them were not. The pigs were taking the apples and the cows milk. They would say that they had to have these things for themselves and it was necessary for their health. This was the beginning of their abusing of their power. The news of the animals taking over Manor Farm was spreading all across the country. Mr. Jones was complaining and trying to get people to listen. The other farmers felt sorry for him, but did not offer any help. Then one day Mr. Jones and his men came back to reclaim his farm. This had been expected, so the animals made preparations. The animals made their first attack, then a series of attacks. Only after five minutes of their invasion Mr. Jones and his men were forced to flee. The animals made a monument in honor of the Battle of the Cowshed. Mollie, a mare, become very troublesome. She was late for work, and let a man stroke her nose and give her sugar. After being confronted by this, she ran away and was reported pulling a cart for a man. When winter came, the ground was hard and nothing could be done in the fields. It was decided that the pigs would decide all questions of farm policy. At meetings Snowball gave brilliant speeches, but Napoleon was better at canvassing support for himself. .u9a879361ae155bae493aeec1d47fbcd1 , .u9a879361ae155bae493aeec1d47fbcd1 .postImageUrl , .u9a879361ae155bae493aeec1d47fbcd1 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u9a879361ae155bae493aeec1d47fbcd1 , .u9a879361ae155bae493aeec1d47fbcd1:hover , .u9a879361ae155bae493aeec1d47fbcd1:visited , .u9a879361ae155bae493aeec1d47fbcd1:active { border:0!important; } .u9a879361ae155bae493aeec1d47fbcd1 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u9a879361ae155bae493aeec1d47fbcd1 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u9a879361ae155bae493aeec1d47fbcd1:active , .u9a879361ae155bae493aeec1d47fbcd1:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u9a879361ae155bae493aeec1d47fbcd1 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u9a879361ae155bae493aeec1d47fbcd1 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u9a879361ae155bae493aeec1d47fbcd1 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u9a879361ae155bae493aeec1d47fbcd1 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u9a879361ae155bae493aeec1d47fbcd1:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u9a879361ae155bae493aeec1d47fbcd1 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u9a879361ae155bae493aeec1d47fbcd1 .u9a879361ae155bae493aeec1d47fbcd1-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u9a879361ae155bae493aeec1d47fbcd1:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Doll House Essay ChinaSnowball came up with an idea of a windmill, but Napoleon was against this. He thought it was a waste of time, and they should worry about getting food. They also talked about defense of the farm from Mr. Jones, and again they were disagreeing. Napoleon had dogs chase Snowball of the farm, and Napoleon called him a criminal. Later the animals were surprised to hear that Napoleon decided to build the windmill after all. He said he was the one who came up with the plans for the windmill, and that Snowball stole his ideas. The animals worked like slaves all that year, but they were happy. Throughout the spring and summer, they worked a sixty-week hour week. Then in August Napoleon announced that would be work on Sunday afternoons now. The building of the windmill had some difficulties. They had plenty of cement and limestone, but they did not know how to break it up into usable pieces. They did find a way, but it was hard and slow. There was also a need for paraffin oil, nails, string, dog biscuits, and iron for the horses shoes. Napoleon said that they would start trading with other farms for needed supplies. A Mr. Whymper, a local solicitor, acted as the agent between Napoleon and the humans he traded with. Every Monday Mr. Whymper would visit the farm. The relation with the human beings was not the same anymore. Mr. Jones had left to live some where else in the country. The pigs decided to live in the farmhouse, instead of living in the sty. Not only did they use the houses conveniences, they also slept in beds. The pigs had changed the fourth rule on the Seven Commandments saying it was okay to sleep in a bed without sheets. The animals found out that the windmill was destroyed and Napoleon said it was Snowball who did this. It was a bitter winter and full of sleet and snow. The animals carried on as best as they could. The humans said that Snowball did not destroy the mill, but that the walls were thin. In January the food became low. The corn supply was reduced, and the potato ration would have to make up for it. Napoleon rarely came out of the farmhouse. One day, it was announced that the hens had to surrender their eggs. The chickens were against this, and raised an outcry, but this was futile. The chickens said this was murder. Napoleon said their rations were to be stopped. They finally gave up. Later it was found out that Snowball was secretly visiting the farm at night. The pigs said that Snowball was in cahoots with Mr. Jones. There were many animal executions after some of the animals confessed to crimes dealing with Snowball. The Beasts of England song was replaced and was not sung anymore. The animals could not understand about the executions, because they thought it was against the Seven Commandments to kill. Throughout the year the animals worked harder than ever. They had to rebuild the windmill, and make it stronger. The animals were starting to be less content. They felt no better then when they had worked for Mr. Jones. Now Napoleon hardly ever appeared. He said he was to be called Our Leader, Comrade Napoleon. Also he was known as the Father of All Animals. There was a rumor that a farmer named Frederick was planning to attack the Animal Farm. When the attack came the men all had guns, and fired upon the animals. This forced the animals to retreat. Then the men started to knock down the windmill with explosives. They destroyed it and a cry of vengeance came from the animals. They charged but many were killed, and most were wounded. They finally chased the men out. The animals started the rebuilding of the windmill. Life was hard. .u20fb48ead5eb09445a56363c5c20d188 , .u20fb48ead5eb09445a56363c5c20d188 .postImageUrl , .u20fb48ead5eb09445a56363c5c20d188 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u20fb48ead5eb09445a56363c5c20d188 , .u20fb48ead5eb09445a56363c5c20d188:hover , .u20fb48ead5eb09445a56363c5c20d188:visited , .u20fb48ead5eb09445a56363c5c20d188:active { border:0!important; } .u20fb48ead5eb09445a56363c5c20d188 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u20fb48ead5eb09445a56363c5c20d188 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u20fb48ead5eb09445a56363c5c20d188:active , .u20fb48ead5eb09445a56363c5c20d188:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u20fb48ead5eb09445a56363c5c20d188 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u20fb48ead5eb09445a56363c5c20d188 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u20fb48ead5eb09445a56363c5c20d188 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u20fb48ead5eb09445a56363c5c20d188 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u20fb48ead5eb09445a56363c5c20d188:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u20fb48ead5eb09445a56363c5c20d188 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u20fb48ead5eb09445a56363c5c20d188 .u20fb48ead5eb09445a56363c5c20d188-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u20fb48ead5eb09445a56363c5c20d188:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Gilman EssayThe winter was as cold as the last one, and the food supply was even shorter. Napoleon announced that they had more oats, more hay, more turnips, worked for shorter hours, and had better water than when they had in Joness day. The farm had a successful year, but they were short of money and needed supplies. In April, Animal Farm was proclaimed a Republic and it needed to elect a President. There was only one candidate, Napoleon, of course. It was said that Snowball was the leader of the humans. Later Boxer worked himself so hard he hurt himself, and some men in a van came to take him away. It was found out that he died in Willington. Years and seasons went by, many of the animals that were on the farm had died and were forgotten, including Mr. Jones. There were new animals on the farm now. The farm was now more prosperous, and better organized. The windmill was used to grind corn rather than for electricity, this was to make a profit. The animals worked hard to build another windmill. The animals dared not to sing Animal Farm aloud. Then one day they saw a pig walking on its hind legs. This was supposedly against the Seven Commandments. Napoleon was seen carrying a whip in his trotter. It was said that all animals are equal but some are more equal than others. One evening, loud laughter and bursts of singing came from the farmhouse. The animals tiptoed up to the house, and looked into a window. There sat a half a dozen farmers, and half a dozen pigs. Napoleon was at the head of the table. They had been playing a game of cards, and drinking beer. They called the other animals on the farm lower animals. Then Napoleon renamed Animal Farm to Manor Farm. The lower animals looked from pig to man and man to pig, but could not tell the difference.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

The Importance of the Great Exhibition of 1851 Example For Students

The Importance of the Great Exhibition of 1851 Supply some inside informations of the Great Exhibition of 1851, and say why it was so of import. The Great Exhibition of 1851 was the world’s first universe expounding. The Great Exhibition of 1851 was an international exhibition that took topographic point in Hyde Park, London. The 1851 was means the old ages and The Great Exhibition of 1851 was from 1 May to 11 October 1851. The Great Exhibition of 1851 was chiefly focal point on the universe s cultural and industrial engineering. In The Great Exhibition 1851, Britain wanted to state all of the populace, the success of the accomplishment after The Industrial Revolution, and that were to go a prevailing 19th-century characteristic. The Great Exhibition was tremendously influential on the development of many facets of society including art and design instruction, international trade and dealingss, and even touristry. We will write a custom essay on The Importance of the Great Exhibition of 1851 specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The Great Exhibition 1851 was organized by Henry Cole and Prince Albert, hubby of the reigning sovereign, Queen Victoria. The purpose of this activities was to observe the new tendency of modern industrial engineering and design. Possibly due to the Prince and the Queen s Plutos really enthusiastic to advance this carnival can be profitable, eventually persuaded the British authorities on January 3, 1850 Royal Commission was set up to form the Expo 1851, Consequently greatly heighten the feasibleness of the program, and this commission Britain was included most esteemed applied scientists Isambard Kingdom Brunel. The Crystal Palace was really of import for the Great Exhibition of 1851. Joseph Paxton s design is inspired by the Amazon H2O lily Victoria, found the H2O lily can back up immense foliages, when Joseph Paxton look intoing underneath, there are radiation-like extended blade support ribs difficult to obtain a design inspired, and application in architecture. Joseph Paxton s program for the garden, fountains, patios, little waterfalls and other accomplishments was really good, in this Crystal Palace have many elm was planted, acreage about nine estates. The Crystal Palace besides has a batch of little fountains and waterfalls, the highest up to 250 pess height, initial H2O tower building as supporting jobs and prostration, after deliberations, the two powerful towers, is divided into three reservoirs, viz. the North and the south terminal of the topographic point, every bit good as the cardinal portion of the garden, to distribute the weight. The chief thought is to happen the power construction, lastingness, simpleness and velocity. First, The Crystal Palace was a celebrated edifice in the Great Exhibition of 1851, The Crystal Palace was made by Fe and glass. The edifice used the country of nine hundred 1000s square pess, the equivalent of 84 thousand square metres of glass or eight half-standard football field. Included the Fe prop have three thousand three hundred, Iron beams two thousand three hundred and covers 74 thousand square metres, breadth and length are about 408 pess, 1851 pess tantamount to 125 metres, 564 metres, has around 3-story edifice. This is a really extended edifice in 19th-century. Second, This design and edifice were really stylish and originality on 19th-century. Since It is an of import symbol of the Industrial Revolution, it was originally marquee for the first clip in 1851 World Expo held in London, the official name of this World’s Fair Exposition of Great Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations. In five months, from May to October 1851, six million visitants throng the mammoth trade show, wondering over the latest engineering every bit good as shows of artefacts from around the universe. Until to 1936, the Great Exhibition had antecedently attracted legion assorted societal categories of tourers come to see. .ue6273c1c78bf7352d6f6562be2301f50 , .ue6273c1c78bf7352d6f6562be2301f50 .postImageUrl , .ue6273c1c78bf7352d6f6562be2301f50 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue6273c1c78bf7352d6f6562be2301f50 , .ue6273c1c78bf7352d6f6562be2301f50:hover , .ue6273c1c78bf7352d6f6562be2301f50:visited , .ue6273c1c78bf7352d6f6562be2301f50:active { border:0!important; } .ue6273c1c78bf7352d6f6562be2301f50 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue6273c1c78bf7352d6f6562be2301f50 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue6273c1c78bf7352d6f6562be2301f50:active , .ue6273c1c78bf7352d6f6562be2301f50:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue6273c1c78bf7352d6f6562be2301f50 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue6273c1c78bf7352d6f6562be2301f50 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue6273c1c78bf7352d6f6562be2301f50 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue6273c1c78bf7352d6f6562be2301f50 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue6273c1c78bf7352d6f6562be2301f50:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue6273c1c78bf7352d6f6562be2301f50 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue6273c1c78bf7352d6f6562be2301f50 .ue6273c1c78bf7352d6f6562be2301f50-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue6273c1c78bf7352d6f6562be2301f50:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Drinking And Driving Offences EssayThird, World Expo visit twelvemonth merely six months, the edifice was supposed to be disposed. But but the concluding determination was made to overthrow by parliament, Within two old ages, meet once more by Queen Victoria opening ceremonial this was long-run exhibition, for London, particularly the add-on of the two railroad Stationss. this is one of the still running Crystal Palace railroad station now, another station is the gateway to the parade country, today all of the riders can still see its Italian manner mosaic roof. Finally, Among the exhibits, about every Victorian’s coevals left are surprising for the visitants, there are included clayware, porcelain field, Fe mills, steam cock, hydraulic, aroma, pianos, houses, plunging cogwheel, guns, barometers, Textiles and pyrotechnics etc. On the other manus, The Crystal Palace was have a batch other jobs to impact modern-day design and develop the edifice. First, in the points of the stuffs, the traditional Earth, wood, brick, rock was replaced by Fe and glass. Although is non of the first to used Fe as a edifice stuff, nevertheless, used the Fe prefabricated frame was unprecedented. Its effects unfastened to intuition since it is a unprecedented instance, they can non hold a successful instance to back up they when they are develop the edifice. Second, in footings of building, traditional brick and rock stack engineering is rivet, sleeve and screw adjustments, fasteners replaced as the house as a machine to put in. It is an insecure pattern as the Crystal Palace has around 3-story edifice and chiefly points of the stuffs were a Fe and glass, the Crystal Palace have a batch of visitants to see, so the construction of the edifice must be really safety. Finally, In November 1936 the Crystal Palace was tragically destroyed in a dramatic fire. the Crystal Palace was made by Fe and glass which are constructing stuffs. When the visible radiation from the Sun is direct exposure on the Crystal Palace, it will originate a fire and the Fe is non to have a high temperature, it is easy to go distorted. The consequence is the fire will distribute so fast. However, Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne, Australia Expo once more inherited the London Crystal Palace manner. The difference is chiefly due to Crystal Palace is non a lasting edifice, the chief stuffs were Fe and glass, all set up was for the convenience and short-run used, was non a long-run used and was non a 1 of the Exhibition Building. World Expo and a figure of metropoliss in Europe after several decennaries of old ages, many of the marquee type edifices are modeled on glass frame construction by Crystal Palace. Royal Exhibition Building is a lasting edifice with solid walls and roof. Until today, the Royal Exhibition Building is still standing in the Riccarton Park Melbourne. A hundred old ages ago, doing it progressively intriguing Victorian’s elegance. In all of the edifices in Melbourne, its influence comparable to stabilizer. In June 2004, Royal Exhibition Building was included in the World Heritage List of the United Nations, Australia has become the lone ranked as the universe s cultural heritage edifices. The Crystal Palace in London had merely provided a locale for the Expo exhibits show, but has become the first World Expo of the most successful plants and exhibits, it non merely witnessed to the infinite glorification of the Victorian epoch has besides become a symbol of the universe expounding. Today, the modern metropolis edifice is really fast, nevertheless, if we can careful to inquiry, we can detect many of today s edifice stuffs and methods are within from the impact of the Crystal Palace, Although The Crystal Palace was a historical edifices, yet in a different signifier altering Joseph Paxton s originative thoughts. In this sense, the Crystal Palace is still alive in our side, and will hanker continue. .ud3f55bd67f589ce9e7d299f8f863832d , .ud3f55bd67f589ce9e7d299f8f863832d .postImageUrl , .ud3f55bd67f589ce9e7d299f8f863832d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud3f55bd67f589ce9e7d299f8f863832d , .ud3f55bd67f589ce9e7d299f8f863832d:hover , .ud3f55bd 67f589ce9e7d299f8f863832d:visited , .ud3f55bd67f589ce9e7d299f8f863832d:active { border:0!important; } .ud3f55bd67f589ce9e7d299f8f863832d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud3f55bd67f589ce9e7d299f8f863832d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud3f55bd67f589ce9e7d299f8f863832d:active , .ud3f55bd67f589ce9e7d299f8f863832d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud3f55bd67f589ce9e7d299f8f863832d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative; } .ud3f55bd67f589ce9e7d299f8f863832d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud3f55bd67f589ce9e7d299f8f863832d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weig ht: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud3f55bd67f589ce9e7d299f8f863832d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud3f55bd67f589ce9e7d299f8f863832d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud3f55bd67f589ce9e7d299f8f863832d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left: 18px; top: 0; } .ud3f55bd67f589ce9e7d299f8f863832d .ud3f55bd67f589ce9e7d299f8f863832d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud3f55bd67f589ce9e7d299f8f863832d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Atomic Bomb Essay

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Words Will Never Hurt Me Essay Example

Words Will Never Hurt Me Essay Example Words Will Never Hurt Me Paper Words Will Never Hurt Me Paper One important step in order to avoid any kind of fight and unpleasant situation in class is to ignore bullying done by some students. The students, who get into bullying others their main purpose is to cause frustration, arouse anger and pinch others. However, if they do not get any response they simply leave it. Some students find pleasure in making others angry and disturbing them. Parents and teachers interference is a must when students fight or bully each other. Some students in the class have the habit of bullying others, using abusive language, take control of power in the class, and show themselves as very genius. They try to putdown their fellows, taunt them, tease and mock to evoke anger. In such situations other students must get help from their teachers and parents. Parents and teachers must interfere to get the things settle down. Sally explores in details the reason why some students stick on bullying others. She writes in details about several ways that kids can handle in situations where they’re bullied by someone. They can simple skip teasing and mocking done by others. Sally makes some important points that some students may get obsessive about their religion, race and color. She explores the reasons that why do some students have such a hateful attitude towards others. They might be jealous at something. They might be jealous of the good marks other students obtain, the attention they get from the teacher, the things they posses, and they also have a jealousy among friendships with girls. There could be many reasons. Students get jealous at several points. Sally in her book uses some practical and fun methods instead of making situation stressful, tensed and demanding. It is not necessary that we should always taunt, criticize and show anger on students for not getting work the right way. But what teachers must have in them is to understand each and every student and before criticizing them s/he must ask student why it was not possible for him/her to accomplish the task. Many studies show that when we make things stressful for students they loose interest in it. It is very important that teachers must take interest while teaching kids. It is a generally observable thing that when teachers take interest while teaching and pay attention to each and every student the results are much more fruitful. Developing student’s interest requires skilled teaching. The one that makes teaching a fun and exciting for students, it must not be a hectic or burden. Once students get interested, the subject itself becomes an attention-grabbing for students. Just dictating students few important points is not enough as most students cannot keep their concentration focused on what is being said. This is because they loose interest. The only way to keep them interested is to teach them practical way. Teacher and students both must be practically involved in performing those tasks that are being taught. Practically each and everything can be understood in a much better way. While studying a topic or subject it is important to explore it practically. It is a well known fact that unless we don’t do things practically there are many things left that are not clear. By doing things practically it is easier to memorize and get familiar with the topic of study. In addition, making some of things fun can simply boost their interest. Sally blends her teaching experience with psychology of students in the classroom and humor that makes classroom situation pleasant and interesting place to learn. The tips and techniques she addressed are useful not only for teachers and classroom but they can be useful for parents and in general for everyone who engages in teaching and dealing with kids. It is a blend of psychological principles and teaching techniques that makes learning much better. Verbal abuse is common in today’s classroom. If not tolerated, it can result in serious kind of fight between the two groups. Sally, in Words Cannot Hurt Me, deals with emotional state of students who suffer in class and make them aware of several practices they can adopt to avoid such bullying.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Climate Change and Deforestation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 12500 words

Climate Change and Deforestation - Essay Example The forests with the huge abundance of trees play a major role in maintaining the carbon cycle in the earth’s environmental system. Tress effectively maintains the carbon cycle through the conversion of carbon present in the atmosphere to form its body and operate its respiratory system. Henceforth the trees, which are large storehouses of natural carbon, emit such vehemently into the atmosphere on being cut down or being burnt (Forests Forever). The practice of deforestation in several countries at increasing level led to the growth of temperature of the climate in several regions like Canada, United States and Australia to name a few. During the period ranging from 1990 to 2010 huge changes in climatic temperatures were recorded in these countries, which would be compared to the deforestation activities taken place in these regions during the stated period. However a range of recent findings conducted by environmentalists reflect that the event of deforestation tends to have an inverse impact on the climatic temperatures. The large number of studies conducted show that from the prehistoric times till date a large number of forest reserves have been cut or burned down amounting to large scale deforestation. Still in comparison to the magnitude of deforestation the climatic temperature has risen insignificantly. On the contrary, the large amount of deforestation has culminated to the cooling of the surface temperature of the earth. ... However a range of recent findings conducted by environmentalists reflect that the event of deforestation tends to have an inverse impact on the climatic temperatures. The large number of studies conducted show that from the prehistoric times till date a large number of forest reserves have been cut or burned down amounting to large scale deforestation. Still in comparison to the magnitude of deforestation the climatic temperature has risen insignificantly. On the contrary, the large amount of deforestation has culminated to the cooling of the surface temperature of the earth. Studies made suggest that owing to deforestation the reflective index of the earth’s surface has increased which radiates the solar heat to the atmosphere. This effect is mainly responsible for the cooling of the earth’s surface. Further owing to the large amounts of deforestation activities the earth’s upper crust has considerably cooled which caused the emergence of the northern and south ern hemisphere. These regions because of the cool surface temperatures have become too cold to be totally covered by ice. Again the progress of the earth’s cooling activities made the ice packed regions to become denser by the event of their joining up to form a unified mass (Renssen, Goosse and Fichefet). Background Impact of Climate Change The phenomenon of climate change is expected to produce a diversified base of different factors, which would tend to alter the ecological balance of the earth’s natural atmosphere. Observation shows that a rise in the temperature of the global climate can contribute heavily in altering the events of rainfall or snowfall in the world. This in turn would affect the moisture contents of the soil textures important for plant growth. Further, a rise in the

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Athenian Judgment in Melos Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Athenian Judgment in Melos - Essay Example Melos was, however, actually under the Spartan power and this was the fact that irritated the Athenians. Soon they arrived at this small island with their power to force the Melian leader to come under their rule. Looking at the huge Athenian force that had arrived at the place it was natural for the Melians to be afraid of the situation. The Melian leaders were afraid of a different issue. Athenians were the most skillful orators and they could perform very well to move the sentiment of common people. Now, Melos had stayed as a free state for more than seven hundred remaining neutrals from all the warfare that took place earlier. It was really a matter of extreme shame for them to let freedom go out of their hand despite any of their own faults. So as a consequence, the Melian heroes and commissioners decided to meet the envoys privately. The statement, which was given from the part of the Melians, was if they would surrender to the Athenians, the latter will never lay their hands o n the Melians’ properties and freedom. We get a beautiful account of this dialogue in the work of Thucydides’ history. Athenians had the mentality that was too hard to melt. They clearly said in reply to the proposal of the Melians that they were here for the wrong treatment, which Melians had done to them being a part of the Spartan Empire. Moreover, they added that giving a long speech about the Melian freedom was useless, as they had to suffer for their own deed. Melians on the other side were also expert at law and they clearly showed what law had to say.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Implementation of a Risk Communication Plan

Implementation of a Risk Communication Plan Following the reported deaths of hundreds of birds in Esperance in Western Australian between December 2006 and March 2007, it was discovered that lead being transported through the towns port were responsible for their deaths. However, much of the community was unaware of this until it became public as part of the investigation into bird deaths in the local environment. Esperance saw itself as an idyllic rural community, with a sound economic basis, but removed from the problems associated with cities, such as pollution. Once the lead problem was identified, residents became very concerned about their childrens health and demanded immediate action. In order to address the concerns of the affected parties, a risk communication plan is essential so as the risk assessment team is able to improve risk understanding among target groups, disclose information about hazards to people whom might be exposed, legitimise risk-related decisions in favor of acceptance or rejection of specific risk sources. It also has the role to breakdown the risk management process to the target audience so that assessors can build up trust in the risk fairness of the management process while at the same ensuring that there is enough individual risk reduction information to improve public protection. Finally the risk communication plan promotes support towards the communicating agency as it provides guidelines for emergency situations and educates decision-makers about public concerns and perceptions. (Sue Lang, Lorna Fewtrell and Jamie Bartram, 2001, p.320) There are multiple stakeholders involved in this crisis, starting with the residents of the community, governmental departments such as the department of water, environment and planning, local businesses, the companies exporting the metals, the port authorities and media. A risk communication (RC) needs assessment was run prior in order to identify the major stakeholders involved in the in this crisis and to identify the issues of concerns of for each group, the goals from the interaction with each group and be able to choose and adequate technique of approach to each type of stakeholder. The RC needs assessment had led to understand that various stakeholders had different issues of interests and concerns and that whether their concerns were, the techniques of approach to them may overlap. The key stakeholders were identified to be the residents of Esperence, health department, water department, port authorities, tourism operators, business owners, the media, local authorities and department of environment, local government and department of planning. The key issues noted during the assessment were the risk to the health of the residents, risks to local businesses such as tourism, relocation of locals, and panic within the community due to health hazards. The table below identifies the issues that meant to be addressed in a risk communication plan and how they are link to the plans goal together with the activities needed to be carried out so as to reach the goals. It should also be noted that descending order of the issues representative of the priority given to each individual issue. (R Brian Pickard, Risk Communication Plan Guidance,   2013 p.24) ISSUES TO BE ADDRESSED PLANS GOALS ACTIVITIES Local residents concerns regarding the hazards Provide the residents necessary   and adequate information to address their concerns Provide information to the residents by activities such as distributing information on physical or electrical mediums. Develop and maintain relationships and supports two-way communication with public community groups, and the news media. Concerns of the health department regarding crisis Provide them with the outreach of the crisis; how many people are affected and to which extent. Maintain direct communication for health persons via phone, email or in person. So that they received necessary data as they require it. Level of information between assessors and Department of water Share findings obtain through research to concerned department so it knows where they stand and how they can mitigate the situation Ensure that they receive   tangible information in terms of documents and findings which they can consult and base action plan upon Concerns about treat to local businesses. Assess impact of contamination on local businesses. Hold meeting with the concerned stakeholders and discuss ways by which they are being affected and try find solutions. Department of planning Provide the department expected outcomes in case of an imminent crisis Ensure that they receive   tangible information in terms of documents and findings which they can consult and base action plan upon Nature and types of information being released by the media Audit the quality of information being released to the press. Monitoring of information released through various media outlets; websites, newspapers, television and radio by appointing media trackers Threat to port activities and jobs at stake Assess situation and find possible links between issues and port. Minimize potential risk of activities shutdown. Meet with responsible of activities and discuss Communication at all stages of the program is important. People need to be informed about key developments so they will be able to make the most of the program. Information should be disclosed to community members throughout the program, especially before starting key activities, before making changes to the program and upon encountering delays. The order/timing in which information is disclosed to the various stakeholders depends upon who they represent in the community and the value of their feedback so that when a wider public is informed, the risk assessment plan has already been revised to that it understood by the majority of the stakeholders. The resources to be deployed for the risk communication plan relies greatly on the budget allocated to the assessment. While a great part of the resources remain man power which favors easier communication, builds up trust among the community, provides for skills for data collection and analysis depending upon the budget communication methods such as mass media and dedicated can employed, else inexpensive methods inexpensive, such as sharing information at community meetings, working with community and committees creating simple posters can be used., There are various challenges that might hinder the implementation of this; unwillingness for stakeholders to cooperate, coordinate risk communication messages among multiple communicators who are communicating about the same issue or time constraints. (Cabinet Implementation Unit Toolkit, 2013, p.3). The roles and responsibilities in order to implement the risk communication plan correctly are as listed below. ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES Public Information Officer Implement risk communication plan and directs information disclosure Provide information to stakeholder through various mediums Create and uphold two conversation between all stakeholders .Maintains current information summaries and/or displays on the incident. Responsible to communicate information to   pertinent staff Develop presentations for utility executives Prepare responses to constituent inquiries. Content and Message Coordinator Develops pathways to receive information rapidly from various institutes regarding public health emergencies and works with available subject matter experts to create situation-specific fact sheets and updates. Media Coordinator . Assesses media needs (e.g., briefings, statements) and bridges the gap between the public and sources Direct Public Outreach Coordinator Responsible for public service announcement and initiates telephone information line Partner/Stakeholder Coordinator Sets up communication protocols based on agreements with identified partners and stakeholders. Media Tracker Monitors available internally and externally identifies misinformation, provides, assess the quality of communication, takes action to amend wrong information, tracks press releases, monitors news outlets and web sites, and drives away (stories that may or may not be true)

Sunday, January 19, 2020

The French and English Revolutions :: European Europe History

The French and English Revolutions THE FRENCH REVOLUTION The French Revolution was effected and caused by many things and people. Some people that had to do with the French Revolution were, Louis XVI, and, Marie Antoinette. Marie played an active role in the Revolution but suffered for her royalist sympathies. King Louis XVI also played an important role in the Revolution, seeing as how he was the king and all. When Louis XVI came to be King, he inherited a France in debt, and he was left with no choice but to raise taxes even though they were already high enough. This had made the people of France very angry. Paris had become furious and chose to make a big scene. This was also one of the causes of the French Revolution. Some believe that the MAIN reason for the Revolution was all based on, Louis, being too young and inexperienced to run an ENTIRE country by himself. He was only when he got married to Marie and he was only 20 when he officially became king of France. As the people of France grew more and more angry with Louis, it had started removing French Officials, such as, Tax collectors, and changing all of the kings appointed men to intendants. Pretty soon there were oaths and things for Louis to sign everywhere. Oaths such as the "Tennis Court Oath", and the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen", and the "Constitution of 1791." Two effects of the Revolution were, change the voting by head, giving the third estate an advantage because they had as many people as the first and second estates, and the beheading of King Louis XVI. This section has shown how the French Revolution was effected and caused by many things and people. THE ENGLISH REVOLUTION The English revolution was also effected by many people and things, just like the French Revolution. Some people having to do with the Revolution were King Charles II, and King James II. Charles and James both were kings of England for their own share of time, influencing the country and its motives. After a short bit, Charles died unexpectedly from natural causes at the age of 55. Then James, brother of Charles, became King. This was a reason for the Revolution in some people's eyes. The change of Charles to James was a stutter in the economy. It caused a major uproar, not against James, but just a lot of commotion and talk amongst the people.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Becton Dickerson

In your judgment, did Becton Dickinson have an obligation to provide the safety syringe in all its sizes in 1991? Explain your position, using the materials from this chapter and the principles of utilitarianism, rights, justice, and caring Becton Dickerson is one of the largest manufacturers of medical supplies,dominates the market in disposable syringes and needles. In 1986, BectonDickinson had acquired exclusive rights to a patent for a new syringe invented byCharles B. Mothball that had a moveable protective sleeve around it. The plastictube around the syringe could slide  down to rarely cover the needle. 992, a nurse, Maryann Rockwood, used a Becton Dickinson 5 cc syringeand needle to drew blood from a patient know to be infected with AIDS. Ms. Rockwood Worked in a clinic that served AIDS patients, and she drew blood from their patients several times a day. After drawing the blood on this particular day,she transferred the AIDS contaminated blood to a retile test tube called a restrainertube by sticking the needle through the rubber stopper of the lest tube, which shewas bolding with her other hand. She accidentally pricked her finger with thecontaminated needle. She is now HIV positive.For removing this problem, on December 23. 1996, the U. S patent officeissued patent number 4,631,05y to Charles B Mitchell for a syringe with a tubesurrounding the body of the syringe that  could be pulled down to cover and  protectthe needle on the syringe. As Mitchell noted in  his patent application, those devicesall suffered from serious drawbacks. One of them would not lock the protectivecover over the exposed needle, one was extremely complex, another much longerthan a standard syringe and  difficult to use, and a fourth was designed primarily foruse on animals.So, it can be said that Becton Dickinson has not an obligation to provide thesafety syringe in all its sizes. The company decided to market only a 3 cc versionof the protective sleeve. For 5 years, B ecton Dickinson manufactured only 3 ccsafety syringes. Utilitarianism, rights, Justice and caring: The principle of Latinityrequires that wherever we have a choice between a  native actions or social policies,we must choose the one that has the best overall consequence for everyoneconcerned. Denton Dickinson had at least four other patents for needle-shieldingdevices.There included ICC, 3 cc, 5cc, and to cc syringe. However, the companydecided to market only a 3 cc version of the protective sleeve. The a cc syringes account for about help of all syringe used, although the larger size 5 cc and 10 ccstringer-are preferred by nurse when  drawing blood. Should manufacturers be held liable for failing to market all the products for which they hold exclusive patents when someone’s injury would have been avoided if they had marketed those products? Explain your answer. Yes, they should be. It is their legal and moral obligation to do so.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Profile of Demeter the Greek Goddess

Demeter is a goddess of fertility, grain, and agriculture. She is pictured as a mature motherly figure. Although she is the goddess who taught mankind about agriculture, she is also the goddess responsible for creating winter and a mystery religious cult. She is usually accompanied by her daughter Persephone. Occupation: Goddess The family of Origin: Demeter was a daughter of the Titans Cronus and Rhea, and so a sister of the goddesses Hestia and Hera, and the gods Poseidon, Hades, and Zeus. Demeter in Rome: The Romans referred to Demeter as Ceres. The Roman cult of Ceres was initially served by Greek priestesses, according to Cicero in his Pro Balbo oration. For the passage, see Turas Ceres. In Graeco Ritu: A Typically Roman Way of Honoring the Gods [Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 97, Greece in Rome: Influence, Integration, Resistance (1995), pp. 15-31], author John Scheid says the foreign, Greek cult of Ceres was imported to Rome in the middle of the third century B.C. Ceres was also referred to as Dea Dia in connection with a three-day May Ambarvalia festival, according to Tibullus and the Ambarvalia, by C. Bennett Pascal, in The American Journal of Philology, Vol. 109, No. 4 (Winter, 1988), pp. 523-536. Also see Ovids Amores Book III.X, in an English translation: No Sex -- Its the Festival Of Ceres. Attributes: The attributes of Demeter are a sheaf of grain, a conical headdress, a scepter, a torch, and a sacrificial bowl. Persephone and Demeter: The story of Demeter is usually combined with the story of the abduction of her daughter Persephone. Read this story in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter. Eleusinian Mystery: Demeter and her daughter are at the center of the widest spread Greek mystery cult -- the Eleusinian Mysteries -- a mystery religion that was popular in Greece and in the Roman Empire. Named for the location in Eleusis, the mystery cult may have started in the Mycenaean period, according to Helene P. Foley, in The Homeric hymn to Demeter: translation, commentary, and interpretive essays. She says that substantial remains of the cult begin in the 8th century B.C., and that the Goths destroyed the sanctuary a few years before the start of the fifth century A.D. The Homeric Hymn to Demeter is the oldest record of the Eleusinian Mysteries, but it is a mystery and we dont really know what transpired. Mystery Cults of the Ancient World Review Myths Involving Demeter: Myths about Demeter (Ceres) re-told by Thomas Bulfinch include: ProserpineThe Rural DeitiesCupid and Psyche Orphic Hymn to Demeter (Ceres): Above, I provided a link to the so-called Homeric Hymn to Demeter (in public domain English translation). It tells of the abduction of Demeters daughter Persephone and the trials the mother went through to find her again. The Orphic hymn paints a picture of the nurturing, fertility goddess. XXXIX.TO CERES. O Universal mother, Ceres famdAugust, the source of wealth, and various namd: 2Great nurse, all-bounteous, blessed and divine,Who joyst in peace, to nourish corn is thine:Goddess of seed, of fruits abundant, fair, 5Harvest and threshing, are thy constant care;Who dwellst in Eleusinas seats retird,Lovely, delightful queen, by all desird.Nurse of all mortals, whose benignant mind,First ploughing oxen to the yoke confind; 10And gave to men, what natures wants require,With plenteous means of bliss which all desire.In verdure flourishing in honor bright,Assessor of great Bacchus, bearing light: Rejoicing in the reapers sickles, kind, 15Whose nature lucid, earthly, pure, we find.Prolific, venerable, Nurse divine,Thy daughter loving, holy Proserpine:A car with dragons yokd, tis thine to guide, 19And orgies singing round thy throne to ride: 20Only-begotten, much-producing queen,All flowers are thine and fruits of lovely green.Bright Goddess, come, with Summers rich increaseSwelling and pregnant, leading smiling Peace;Come, with fair Concord and imperial Health, 25And join with these a needful store of wealth. From: The Hymns of OrpheusTranslated by Thomas Taylor [1792]