Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Religion and Litterature Jesus According to Matthew Essays

Religion and Litterature Jesus According to Matthew Essays Religion and Litterature Jesus According to Matthew Essay Religion and Litterature Jesus According to Matthew Essay Name: Course: Tutor: Date: Jesus According to Matthew The first verse of the first chapter of the book of Mathew introduces Jesus as a man just like any other person, â€Å"This is the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah the son of David, the son of Abraham† (New International version). The genealogy given in this book introduces us to a person who had ancestral background like any other Jew. He was not only a person but also a King as he came from the lineage of David who was once the king of Israel (Matt. 1: 6). However, the most interesting thing about the first verse of this first chapter is that Matthew mentions that Jesus is the Messiah. This book of Matthew has numerous evidences to prove that the character Jesus is the prophesied Messiah. The word Messiah means â€Å"anointed one†. The prophet Isaiah in the book of Isaiah had prophesied that a messiah would come to the Israelites and save them from their captivity. The prophet went ahead and said that he would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14). In the 18th verse of the first chapter of Matthew, he speaks of Mary being pregnant through the Holy Spirit. This meant that she had gotten pregnant without having any relations with any man. This fulfilled the virgin birth prophecy of the Messiah. As prophesied, the Messiah would deliver the people from captivity. Like in any other community or society, the Israelites were bound by the captivity of sicknesses, poverty and above all, the captivity of sin. Matthew has written very many accounts of Jesus delivering people from sicknesses, poverty/ hunger, death and spiritual captivity. In Matthew 4:23 â€Å"Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people†. As earlier mentioned, the Messiah would come to save the people from their captivity. In order to prove this verse true, the fifth chapter of this book of Matthew gives some teachings that Jesus taught. They include the Beatitudes (3-11), teachings about salt and light (13-16), the law (17-20), murder (21-26), adultery (27-30), divorce (31-32), oaths (33-37), revenge (eye to eye) (38-42), and the love of enemies (43-48). In order to portray his uniqueness in the way he taught the people, he mostly used parables which were stories of issues the people could relate him in real life. This is mostly depicted in the 12th chapter of the book amongst other chapters. Matthew shows the reader that this messiah had come for the people just like he had been prophesied. He had not come to condemn or wrong those who were on the wrong but rather he had come to save them from their oppressions. As the Messiah (anointed one) who heals those who have been held captive by the sicknesses, chapter 8 and 9 amongst other chapters of the book give an account of some miracles he performed during his life here on earth. These miracles were those dealing with the oppressions the people faced due to sicknesses. For example, Matthew 9: 18-26 tells of the miracle he performed by raising the dead girl of a synagogue leader and by healing a woman who had been oppressed for twelve years by a bleeding problem. These two miracles took place in within the same day and he only did these miracles by word of mouth. The Messiah would deliver the people from the captivity of sins. This part was fulfilled in two ways. One, it was fulfilled through the word of mouth. Jesus was known to forgive sins. Although he had been condemned by the other teachers of the law for being blasphemous (Matt. 9: 3) since God was the only one capable of forgiving sins, he did it anyway. In Matthew 9:1-8, Jesus forgave and healed a man who was paralyzed. The speaking of the word that confirmed to the people that their sins had been forgiven confirmed that he was the anointed one who would deliver the Israelites from their sins. The second fulfillment of the Messiah who delivered people from their sins took place when he was tortured, crucified and rose from the dead. These activities are recorded in the 26th, 27th and 28th chapters of this book of Matthew. This is also a fulfillment of Isaiah 53, which prophetically gives an account of the events in this chapter makes it clear that Jesus had died for the deliverance of mankind from sins. The Messiah had been prophesied a couple of centuries before he was born. Introducing Jesus as the Messiah enabled Matthew to erase the doubt from people’s mind that Jesus was the Messiah who had been prophesied by Prophet Isaiah and other prophets a couple of centuries earlier. He also seemed to justify his reasons of following Jesus as the people seemed to be unsure about his true nature. The accounts given in this book also provide a foundation for the gospel the disciples were preaching. Matthew wanted to convince, and give evidence to that generation, and the generations to come that the Jesus they had followed was the prophesied Messiah. According to Matthew, the Jesus character was the prophesied Messiah, the birth teachings, miracles, suffering, crucifixion, resurrection and Jesus ascension into heaven made these prophesies come true. In Matthew’s view, it was not about waiting for the Messiah, but it was now about preaching that the Messiah had come and made the long awaited deliverance. : King, James B. King James Bible. Cambridge [Eng.: Proquest LLC, 1996. Internet resource.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

6 Good Reasons to Study English Grammar

6 Good Reasons to Study English Grammar If youre reading this page, its a safe bet that you know English grammar. That is, you know how to put words together in a sensible order and add the right endings. Whether or not youve ever opened a grammar book, you know how to produce combinations of sounds and letters that others can understand. After all, English was used for a thousand years before the first grammar books ever appeared. But how much do you know about grammar? And, really, why should anybody bother to learn about grammar at all? Knowing about grammar, says David Crystal in The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language (Cambridge University Press, 2003), means being able to talk about what it is we are able to do when we construct sentences  - to describe what the rules are, and what happens when they fail to apply. In the Cambridge Encyclopedia (one of our Top 10 Reference Works for Writers and Editors), Crystal spends several hundred pages examining all aspects of the English language, including its history and vocabulary, regional and social variations, and the differences between spoken and written English. But its the chapters on English grammar that are central to his book, just as grammar itself is central to any study of language. Crystal opens his chapter on Grammar Mythology with a list of six reasons to study grammarreasons worth stopping to think about. Accepting the ChallengeBecause Its There. People are constantly curious about the world in which they live, and wish to understand it and (as with mountains) master it. Grammar is no different from any other domain of knowledge in this respect.Being HumanBut more than mountains, language is involved with almost everything we do as human beings. We cannot live without language. To understand the linguistic dimension of our existence would be no mean achievement. And grammar is the fundamental organizing principle of language.Exploring Our Creative AbilityOur grammatical ability is extraordinary. It is probably the most creative ability we have. There is no limit to what we can say or write, yet all of this potential is controlled by a finite number of rules. How is this done?Solving ProblemsNonetheless, our language can let us down. We encounter ambiguity, and unintelligible speech or writing. To deal with these problems, we need to put grammar under the microscope and work out what w ent wrong. This is especially critical when children are learning to emulate the standards used by educated adult members of their community. Learning Other LanguagesLearning about English grammar provides a basis for learning other languages. Much of the apparatus we need to study English turns out to be of general usefulness. Other languages have clauses, tenses, and adjectives too. And the differences they display will be all the clearer if we have first grasped what is unique to our mother tongue.Increasing Our AwarenessAfter studying grammar, we should be more alert to the strength, flexibility, and variety of our language, and thus be in a better position to use it and to evaluate others use of it. Whether our own usage, in fact, improves, as a result, is less predictable. Our awareness must improve, but turning that awareness into better practiceby speaking and writing more effectivelyrequires an additional set of skills. Even after a course on car mechanics, we can still drive carelessly. Philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein said, Like everything metaphysical the harmony between thought and reality is to be found in the grammar of the language. If that sounds a bit too lofty, we might return to the simpler words of William Langland in his 14th-century poem The Vision of Piers Plowman: Grammar, the ground of all.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Enterprise Database Management System Term Paper

Enterprise Database Management System - Term Paper Example The growing scale of data demands a better and reliable method to manage and access them. Such a demand has yielded in the development of Database Management Systems. Every organization needs some sort of information to be stored and accessed all the time and as a result, Database Management Systems have become an integral part of every organization. A database is nothing but a repository of data where the information are stored in an organized way so that any kind of complex details can be retrieved easily. For example, one may have the details of all employees contact information, but to retrieve the names of all employees who live in a particular place, then the organization of the data in the database could be easily queried upon to retrieve the information. (Rob, Coronel & Crockett, 2008) A DBMS is nothing but software that helps in managing the data stored in the database. As with every other software there are several products of DBMS that are available to help an organization to manage data. Some of the operations that are performed by a DBMS include the basic functions such as adding, deleting and modifying data. (Hoffer, 2009) There are four important characteristics for any DBMS that determine its purpose and usage in an organization. They are, There are several types of modeling languages that are currently available. These include relational, object oriented, network oriented and hierarchical languages. These languages determine the way the data is organized in the databases. (Hoffer, 2009) The efficiency of a DBMS is measured by the number of transactions that can be run concurrently at a given time. The level of concurrency depends on how well the DBMS uses deadlock prevention mechanisms that restrict update access to a data by allowing only one user access a particular data at a time. (Kedar, 2009) The database systems form the basic groundwork for any enterprise. There are obvious

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Social Media Coordinator Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Social Media Coordinator - Research Paper Example Life after school and getting a job require a long list of interviews from HR supervisor to AVP of the company. More exams and trainings are required before you get the post. But if we can observe how things go this time, we can see that more jobs that are being offered are focusing on online and customer satisfaction. With the people spending most of their time checking their sites online every day, what’s better to do than to develop customer satisfaction and increase revenue via advanced campaign methods by the use of the powerful internet? Social media coordinator is one of the most popular jobs in the world today. This job is responsible for day-to-day execution of corporate social media campaigns. What can be more fun than to recommend, build and execute campaigns for Twitter, You Tube and other social media channels as required? Isn’t it fun to be responsible for blogger engagement, including conferences and maintaining relationships? These are just some of the m any but fun responsibilities of a social media coordinator (, Social Media Coordinator). The Industry From the previous paragraphs alone, the frequent use of the words ‘online’ and ‘internet’ should be noted. ... Government Of course, it goes without saying that different parties would have different perceptions and preconceptions as to the use of the internet as the main form of social media. For instance, an article by Abdulrahim (2010) of the LA Times talks of former Orange County Sheriff Michael Carona, who felt that the print and electronic media that served as his downfall failed to take into account the positive things he had done for his area of responsibility. More than that, however, the ex-Sheriff also brought to light the lesser-known problems associated with social media that had been causing chaos all over California. The problem, as noted by the article, is that laws need be kept up-to-date as technology continues to advance, lest there be loopholes that more unscrupulous parties can exploit. Among the policies said to help would be the discouragement of hyperlinks and attacks on specific groups, as well as employing a social media coordinator in charge of screening and filteri ng content before publishing it. In short, it would be safe to say that the government is fully cognizant of the benefits and setbacks inherent to social media – which is why rules need to be made and adhered to in order to minimize the risks of it being abused. International Community and the Internet First and foremost, it should be noted that the main reason there are ramifications from the international community at all, is precisely because of the internet’s ability to connect people and enable communication, all irregardless of location or distance. While it is true that TV allows shows and ads to be broadcasted globally, the fact that it only allows messages to travel one way means that it is not

Sunday, November 17, 2019


Freedom Riders Essay Important events in the Civil Rights Movement that occurred between 1942 and 1961, like an article that was written in the Washington Post (may 16 1961 ), and the James Zwerg incident and another things that happened were things like sits in (or lunch ins) boycotts against public transportation and , several peaceful protests. The freedom riders were peaceful protestors, Most of the events that occurred where in the south where there was still a lot of discrimination, inequality and segregation. So when the freedom riders were created people thought they were instigators because the freedom riders were trying to change the way the people in the south were living. A lot of events occurred during the time frame 1942 to 1961, and most of them showed how they were peaceful protestors The Freedom riders were not instigators of peace , they were just people fighting for what believe was right the freedom Riders were taking a stand, and were sought out as instigators of violence because they were changing the way people used to live. An editorial article in washington post on May 16 talks about how Alabama calls itself the â€Å"heart of dixie† which is a saying for places that so kindness and hospitality, the writer for this article is saying how can Alabama have the title of â€Å"heart of Dixie† when it is not fulfilling the name it has been given. The writer goes on to say that â€Å"The freedom riders engaged in no disorderly conduct and did nothing to provoke violence-save to exercise a constitutional right. †, the writer is saying that the Freedom Riders have not done anything wrong and have not provoked violence intensensionally. More evidence showing that the Freedom Riders were not instigators of violence is a statement made to the Department of Justice by Robert F. Kennedy on May 24, 1961 saying that other than the â€Å"Freedom Riders there were people seeking their own goals like curiosity seekers and publicity seekers. those people would act like Freedom Riders but have their own goal in mind and that is what caused the Freedom Riders to be seen as instigators of violence, when in fact they were peaceful protestors. The ‘ Freedom Riders† were peaceful protesters and in the transcript of an interview of a Freedom Rider Arrested in Jackson,Mississippi you will see how there were peaceful and how they were treated wrong. This Freedom Rider talks about how when blacks were coming from down from the north to south they were greatly harassed. When this Freedom Rider was being registered into the Hinds County Penitentiary one of the guards hold him said â€Å" One thing you got to remember is while you’re here, this is Mississippi and if one of my guards says anything to you, you answer ‘yes, sir, no,sir. do you understand,† the Freedom Rider could have said something back to the to guard and stood up for himself but he did not he kept quiet and peaceful showing he was not an instigator or provoker of violence. More evidence can be found in a the Beloit Magazine written in spring of 1989 . in this magazine there is an article about one of the Freedom Ride’s for Ja mes Zwerg. The article takes about how he was assaulted, beaten near death. Zwerg was attack by multiple men and was given no prompt medical attention, He was unconscious in Montgomery Hospital for two and a half days, James Zwerg goes on to say that he would have probably been dead if someone did not interfere and protect him. This shows that the Freedom Riders were peaceful protesters because he could have fought back and had a fight chance , but he chose not to showing that they were peace Some may say that the Freedom Riders were not peaceful protesters , may say that rather the Freedom Riders were Instigators Of violence instead. The Freedom Riders knew what they were getting into , when they tried to change the ways of the people living in the south, and they should have expected to receive discrimination and harassment. In the New york Times ( a Newspaper) there was an article entitled eyes on the prize written on June, 4th 1961, there was an article that basically says that the Freedom Riders have made began to provoke violence, and should stop because they have made their point but, that is invalid because in the whole picture the Freedom Riders ere Peaceful protesters, the Freedom Riders did not finish making their point , yes they knew that the journey of finding peace would be hard they had to make a change. Thats why the Freedom Riders were peaceful protesters. The Freedom Riders were on a journey of finding peaceful in America , and there were a lot of incidents, but for them the incidents were worth it. The Freedom Riders were peaceful protesters because there were so many opportunities that they co uld have retaliated but they chose not to , rather the Freedom Riders choose to keep the peace to the best of their abilities, and that is why they were peaceful protestors.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

‘Quest for excellence often begins when we discover a pursuit that absorbs, frees , challenges us and gives us a sense of meaning, joy and passion’. As for me, the pursuit being a research career in Biological sciences, I wish to state in the following paragraphs , my view points and rationale behind my application to the Khorana Scholars Program 2013. I was fortunate to have completed my 12 golden years of schooling in Mahatma Montessori Matric., Madurai – one of the best in the city. The playway method of learning all through my junior years made education a sheer joy and made me versatile in academics as well as extra curricular activities like literature, dramatics and music. My organisational and leadership skills improved significantly because of being entrusted with posts in school governing council and being chosen as the school pupil leader later on. The awe for biological sciences was instilled in high school by my class IX biology teacher, Mr.Ganesan. I then became rooted in pursuing a career in biological sciences. A centum in class X biology exam further strengthen... Essay -- ‘Quest for excellence often begins when we discover a pursuit that absorbs, frees , challenges us and gives us a sense of meaning, joy and passion’. As for me, the pursuit being a research career in Biological sciences, I wish to state in the following paragraphs , my view points and rationale behind my application to the Khorana Scholars Program 2013. I was fortunate to have completed my 12 golden years of schooling in Mahatma Montessori Matric., Madurai – one of the best in the city. The playway method of learning all through my junior years made education a sheer joy and made me versatile in academics as well as extra curricular activities like literature, dramatics and music. My organisational and leadership skills improved significantly because of being entrusted with posts in school governing council and being chosen as the school pupil leader later on. The awe for biological sciences was instilled in high school by my class IX biology teacher, Mr.Ganesan. I then became rooted in pursuing a career in biological sciences. A centum in class X biology exam further strengthen...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Illuminati Essay

On the first experiment, they use a pepper-like substance called Potassium Permanganate (KMn04) which is an oxidant and an oil-like substance called Brake Fluid which is a fuel. When they combined these two substances in a stainless container, this results on having a little fire on the container. And they said it is because of the Chemical Reaction made by the two substances and the mixture should release energy in the form of heat that’s why this results on combustion. At first, I thought that the Brake Fluid they used is just a simple Cooking Oil and the Potassium Permanganate is just a pepper.But those â€Å"simple† substances I thought made an amazing experiment which makes me understand how heat was released by a Chemical Reaction. On the second experiment, the special substance they use is Dry Ice – which is a Frozen Carbon Dioxide – together with a balloon, funnel, mortar and pestle (to crush the Dry Ice) and a bottle with water. They crushed the D ry Ice first into small pieces then they put in the funnel which is connected to the balloon, and after this they put the balloon with Dry Ice onto the bottle with water.They let the Dry Ice be poured into the water which results in Sublimation and the gas this made was used to inflate the balloon. This gas is called Carbon Dioxide. I already knew that a Dry Ice is a Frozen Gas, but I didn’t know that this gas is a Carbon Dioxide which is commonly used to inflate a balloon. Before the experiment started, I knew that the combination of Dry Ice and water has something to do to inflate the balloon because I’ve done this before with my siblings.On the third experiment, they used a wick, an aluminum tray, one spoon of salt peter (salitre), one spoon of sugar and lighter. First they combined the salt peter and sugar into the tray then they insert the wick. After that they light it using the lighter and this result on having a smoke-effect because of Oxidation. I have learned so many things on this experiment, first is that when the salt peter and sugar were heated, the electrons of the sugar were transferred to the salt peter. And that the molecules released with oxygen will be a smoke which we can be seen.On the last experiment, Faye Young, a Prosthetics Artist made fake blood using water, corn syrup, liquid soap and food color, these liquids are Miscible – refers to two/more substances that can be dissolve into one another without separating. And she also did a fake finger using Clay which is a Malleable object, and she painted it with make-up foundation. I am amazed on how simple objects like Clay, Food Color, Liquid Soap, Corn Syrup and Water can be an effective additive on creating illusions or imitations of some parts of a human body (like fingers and blood).

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Mini case solution Essay

The keys to the company’s future value and growth are profitability (ROE) and the reinvestment of retained earnings. Retained earnings are determined by dividend payout. The spreadsheet sets ROE at 15% for the five years from 2006 to 2010. If Reeby Sports will lose its competitive edge by 2011, then it cannot continue earning more than its 10% cost of capital. Therefore ROE is reduced to 10% starting in 2011. The payout ratio is set at .30 from 2006 onwards. Notice that the long-term growth rate, which settles in between 2011 and 2012, is ROE Ãâ€" ( 1 – dividend payout ratio ) = .10 Ãâ€" (1 – .30) = .07. The spreadsheet allows you can vary ROE and the dividend payout ratio separately for 2006-2010 and for 2011-2012. But let’s start with the initial input values. To calculate share value, we have to estimate a horizon value at 2010 and add its PV to the PV of dividends from 2005 to 2010. Using the constant-growth DCF formula, The PV of dividends from 2005 to 2010 is $3.43 in 2004, so share value in 2004 is: ​ The spreadsheet also calculates the PV of dividends through 2012 and the horizon value at 2012. Notice that the PV in 2004 remains at $16.82. This makes sense, since the value of a firm should not depend on the investment horizon chosen for valuation. ​We have reduced ROE to the 10% cost of capital after 2010, assuming that the company will have exhausted valuable growth opportunities by that date. With PVGO = 0, PV = EPS/r. So we could discard the constant-growth DCF formula and just divide EPS in 2011 by the cost of capital: ​The keys to the company’s future value and growth are profitability (ROE) and the reinvestment of retained earnings. Retained earnings are determined by dividend payout. The spreadsheet sets ROE at 15% for the five years from 2006 to 2010. If Reeby Sports will lose its competitive edge by 2011, then it cannot continue earning more than its 10% cost of capital. Therefore ROE is reduced to 10% starting in 2011. The payout ratio is set at .30 from 2006 onwards. Notice that the long-term growth rate, which settles in between 2011 and 2012, is ROE Ãâ€" ( 1 – dividend payout ratio ) = .10 Ãâ€" (1 – .30) = .07. The spreadsheet allows you can vary ROE and the dividend payout ratio separately for 2006-2010 and for 2011-2012. But let’s start with the initial input values. To calculate share value, we have to estimate a horizon value at 2010 and add its PV to the PV of dividends from 2005 to 2010. Using the constant-growth DCF formula, The PV of dividends from 2005 to 2010 is $3.43 in 2004, so share value in 2004 is: ​​The spreadsheet also calculats the PV of dividends through 2012 and the horizon value at 2012. Notice that the PV in 2004 remains at $16.82. This makes sense, since the value of a firm should not depend on the investment horizon chosen for valuation. ​We have reduced ROE to the 10% cost of capital after 2010, assuming that the company will have exhausted valuable growth opportunities by that date. With PVGO = 0, PV = EPS/r. So we could discard the constant-growth DCF formula and just divide EPS in 2011 by the cost of capital: ​The keys to the company’s future value and growth are profitability (ROE) and the reinvestment of retained earnings. Retained earnings are determined by dividend payout. The spreadsheet sets ROE at 15% for the five years from 2006 to 2010. If Reeby Sports will lose its competitive edge by 2011, then it cannot continue earning more than its 10% cost of capital. Therefore ROE is reduced to 10% starting in 2011. The payout ratio is set at .30 from 2006 onwards. Notice that the long-term growth rate, which settles in between 2011 and 2012, is ROE Ãâ€" ( 1 – dividend payout ratio ) = .10 Ãâ€" (1 – .30) = .07. The spreadsheet allows you can vary ROE and the dividend payout ratio separately for 2006-2010 and for 2011-2012. But let’s start with the initial input values. To calculate share value, we have to estimate a horizon value at 2010 and add its PV to the PV of dividends from 2005 to 2010. Using the constant-growth DCF formula, The PV of dividends from 2005 to 2010 is $3.43 in 2004, so share value in 2004 is: ​​The spreadsheet also calculates the PV of dividends through 2012 and the horizon value at 2012. Notice that the PV in 2004 remains at $16.82. This makes sense, since the value of a firm should not depend on the investment horizon chosen for valuation. ​We have reduced ROE to the 10% cost of capital after 2010, assuming that the company will have exhausted valuable growth opportunities by that date. With PVGO = 0, PV = EPS/r. So we could discard the constant-growth DCF formula and just divide EPS in 2011 by the cost of capital: The keys to the company’s future value and growth are profitability (ROE) and the reinvestment of retained earnings. Retained earnings are determined by dividend payout. The spreadsheet sets ROE at 15% for the five years from 2006 to 2010. If Reeby Sports will lose its competitive edge by 2011, then it cannot continue earning more than its 10% cost of capital. Therefore ROE is reduced to 10% starting in 2011. The payout ratio is set at .30 from 2006 onwards. Notice that the long-term growth rate, which settles in between 2011 and 2012, is ROE Ãâ€" ( 1 – dividend payout ratio ) = .10 Ãâ€" (1 – .30) = .07. The spreadsheet allows you can vary ROE and the dividend payout ratio separately for 2006-2010 and for 2011-2012. But let’s start with the initial input values. To calculate share value, we have to estimate a horizon value at 2010 and add its PV to the PV of dividends from 2005 to 2010. Using the constant-growth DCF formula, The PV of dividends from 2005 to 2010 is $3.43 in 2004, so share value in 2004 is: ​ ​The spreadsheet also calculates the PV of dividends through 2012 and the horizon value at 2012. Notice that the PV in 2004 remains at $16.82. This makes sense, since the value of a firm should not depend on the investment horizon chosen for valuation. ​We have reduced ROE to the 10% cost of capital after 2010, assuming that the company will have exhausted valuable growth opportunities by that date. With PVGO = 0, PV = EPS/r. So we could discard the constant-growth DCF formula and just divide EPS in 2011 by the cost of capital: ​ ​

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Disabled by Wilfred Owen and Whos for the game by Jessie Pope Essays

Disabled by Wilfred Owen and Whos for the game by Jessie Pope Essays Disabled by Wilfred Owen and Whos for the game by Jessie Pope Essay Disabled by Wilfred Owen and Whos for the game by Jessie Pope Essay Essay Topic: Literature The two poems I have chosen are Disabled by Wilfred Owen and Whos for the game by Jessie Pope. Both Poems are set around the war but they show very different perspectives. In Disabled, Owen tells the story of a young man from the Scottish Regiment who was a fellow patient in the hospital Owen was sent to after suffering from shell shock. Owen was very disillusioned with the idea of war and wrote to show people the truth and obliterate the image of war created by propaganda. Pope was a member of the White Feather Brigade, as they were known. Women who felt it was their duty to their country to send their men to war. Any woman who was seen out with a man not in uniform was labelled a traitor; men who did not join up were presented with white feathers as a symbol of their cowardice. Popes work was much a piece of the propaganda Owen was standing up against. She was calling the men of Britain to arms. The first thing to strike the reader would be the difference in mood between the two pieces; Owens work is melancholy the tale of one man contemplating his wasted life. In the second line he talks of his ghastly suit of grey, this could refer to his demob suit or more likely the mood of the subject. Whereas Popes poem is very light almost like a song, the language is simple in order to reach a wider audience. The boy in Disabled is looking back at his vanity with regret. He appears to spend his time waiting for each day to end as if he was just waiting to die. He hears children at play they only serve as a reminder of what he has lost; he was little more than a child when he joined the war. As evening draws in he remembers the way the town came to life at night, again this is painful he will never again come to life and dance and be happy. Pope refers to the war as a game and a fight, this could be interpreted as a call to children, which indeed happened, the character in disabled admits that he was underage when he enlisted, no-one seemed to care. They just smiled and wrote his lie. The two poems also refer to sport although in different ways. Pope asks who wants a turn in the show and mentions those who do not join in as being left in the stands possibly the football stands for spectators. In the fourth and sixth stanza Owen refers to his subjects love of football. How he was carried off the field victorious with a wound to the leg. The fact that he was also carried off the battlefield with leg injuries, but this time he lost his limbs suggests that Pope is wrong to belittle war and its horrors war is not a game and it certainly is not childs play. Pope is asking her audience to see the war as glamorous which indeed is what Owens character did he admits to enlisting to impress, he wanted to attract the girls. He was told he would look good in uniform, he speaks of his good looks, of his vanity. At this point he had no fear, he had no cares he was not afraid of anything. He wanted the fame and the glamour that people like Pope were offering. He didnt think about the people he would be fighting against. He had nothing personal against them they were just enemy. Pope uses personification to refer to Britain as a woman. Indeed she is asking the men to join up and protect her as a man should protect his woman. An act of chivalry! Pope is taunting the men, if they do not enlist and fight for their country they are not men, they are cowards. At the end of the poem when she asks if they will stand and bite their thumbs, it may be suggested that she is likening them to babies sucking their thumbs. Pope mentions a crutch as if it may be a souvenir, one could be forgiven for wondering how the boy in disabled might feel hearing this, he has his souvenir of war. A suit without legs which has the sleeves sewn short at the elbow. He threw his limbs and his life away for his country, as did so many others. He did as he was asked what has he got to show for it? Pope uses repetition in the second stanza to emphasise the fact that their country needed help she needed men in the ranks, Pope questions the men and boys repeatedly as if waiting for an answer. Pope mentions the celebrations as the boys are sent off. Owens boy knew all about that but the return was very different. He went away a young boy and returned an old man, he will never be whole, or have his independence. All he will have is a few more years spent in institutions while he waited to die, with women looking at him in pity. He will never have the pleasure of a woman, he will not be the one taking women to his bed, he will be relying on the women to put him to bed. In her work Pope is shouting out to the people to come join in with the fun, she is calling out for patriotism asking the men to lay down their lives for their country and asking the women to send their husbands and sons. She is speaking to them colloquially, using their language and challenging them. The poem is written very simplistically using phrases and terms that attract all, in particular the younger generation. The phrase up to her neck is a slang term, which as well as using personification is a more graphic description than to give exact details of where the war is up to at that moment. It may be suggested that Pope was a very persuasive woman who did a great deal to help the war effort and send men cheerfully to their death, which is possibly why men like Owen felt the need to stand up and have their story heard. Owen does not attempt to spare the feelings of the reader his intention is to shock. He wants the people to know the truth; it may be argued that he felt a responsibility to the youth of his country to let them know what they were in for. War was not all cheering and shouting as Pope suggested. War was horrific, it took lives and the lives that were spared would never be the same again.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Parent-Teacher Communication Strategies for Success

Parent-Teacher Communication Strategies for Success Maintaining parent-teacher communication throughout the school year is the key to student success. Research has shown that students do better in school when their parent or guardian is involved. Here is a list of ways to keep parents informed with their childs education and encourage them to get involved. Keeping Parents Informed To help open the lines of communication, keep parents involved in everything their child is doing in school. Keep them informed about school events, classroom procedures, educational strategies, assignment dates, behavior, academic progress, or anything school related. Utilize Technology - Technology is a great way to keep parents informed because it allows you to get information out quickly. With a class website you can post assignments, project due dates, events, extended learning opportunities, and explain what educational strategies you are using in the classroom. Providing your email is another quick way to communicate any information about your students progress or behavior issues. Parent Conferences - Face-to-face contact is the best way to communicate with parents and a lot of teachers choose this option as their main way to communicate. Its important to be flexible when scheduling conferences because some parents can only attend before or after school. During the conference its important to discuss academic progress and goals, what the student needs work on, and any concerns the parent has with their child or the education that they are being provided with. Open House - Open house or Back to School Night is another way to keep parents informed and make them feel welcome. Provide each parent with a packet of essential information they will need throughout the school year. Within the packet you can include: contact information, school or class website information, educational objectives for the year, classroom rules, etc. This is also a great time to encourage parents to become classroom volunteers, and share information about parent-teacher organizations that they can participate in. Progress Reports - Progress reports can be sent home weekly, monthly or a few times a year. This way of connecting gives parents tangible evidence of their childs academic progress. Its best to include your contact information in the progress report, just in case parents have any questions or comments about their childs progress. Monthly Newsletter - A newsletter is a simple way to keep parents informed with important information. Within in the newsletter you can include: monthly goals, school events, assignment due dates, extension activities, volunteer opportunities, etc. Getting Parents Involved A great way for parents to get involved in their childs education is to give them the opportunity to volunteer and become involved in school organizations. Some parents may say they are too busy, so make it easy and provide them with a variety of ways to get involved. When you give parents a list of choices, they can decide what works for them and their schedules. Create an Open-Door Policy - For working parents it can be hard to find the time to get involved in their childs education. By creating an open-door policy in your classroom it will give parents the opportunity to help out, or observe their child whenever it is convenient for them. Classroom Volunteers - In the beginning of the school year when you send home your welcome letter to students and parents, add a volunteer sign-up sheet to the packet. Also add it to the weekly or monthly newsletter to give parents the option to volunteer anytime throughout the school year. School Volunteers - There can never be enough eyes and ears to watch over the students. Schools would gladly accept any parent or guardian that would like to volunteer. Give parents the option to choose from any of the following: lunchroom monitor, crossing guard, tutor, library aid, concession stand worker for school events. The opportunities are endless. Parent-Teacher Organizations - A great way for parents to interact with the teacher and school outside of the classroom is to become involved in parent-teacher organizations. This is for the more dedicated parent who has the some extra time to spare. The PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is a national organization that is composed of parents and teachers who are dedicated to help maintain and improve student success.

Sunday, November 3, 2019


AN INVESTIGATION OF INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL DISCLOSURE IN ANNUAL REPORTS OF Saudi ARABIA FIRMS - Research Proposal Example Facilitating transformation in the traditional structure of annual reports might prove costly, and therefore the more pragmatic approach is to encourage voluntary IC disclosure in a company’s annual reports. Based on the structural framework and objectives of a company, disclosure depends on corporate governance decision. New approach adopted in presenting the annual reports to the readers should help stakeholders make proper value assessment through the company’s intellectual capital (Li et al., 2008:137). In order to meet the goal of profit maximization through enhanced performance, intellectual resources of an organization play an indispensable role. The problem faced is the paucity of IC related information in the annual reports of the four Saudi Arabian banks that have been selected for this paper. Since IC is not legally mandatory for inclusion in annual reports, this component is also considered as â€Å"unaccounted capital† (Abeysekera & Guthrie, 2005: 151). This paper will focus on intellectual capital disclosure in annual reports of Saudi Arabia firms. The necessity of IC information is steadily gaining importance from profit seeking perspective. While details about financial data and physical factors of products are easily available in annual reports of companies, there is now growing demand for disclosure of IC information (Vandemaele et al., 2005: 417). The objective of this paper is to learn how several banks in Saudi Arabia disclose intellectual capital in their annual reports. Further, this paper will explore the contribution of IC theory in the success and development of an organization. For the purpose of address the research objectives, the research question of this paper is â€Å"To what extent is intellectual capital is represented under different categories in the annual reports of Saudi Arabian banks?† The purpose is to learn how human capital is displayed in four

Friday, November 1, 2019

Individual report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Individual report - Essay Example A small part offers on an ad hoc basis some services like company human performance appraisals. A lot of them offer some training seminars in order to increase their product portfolio but these seminars are not specialized in a particular sector i.e. accountancy, marketing etc. They offer seminars according to the current market demand needs. None of them has a distinguished competitive advantage. Even the recruitment process is done the same way i.e. only by using repetitive unstructured interviews and checking references. The companies specialized in low and medium level employees use in many occasions psychological tests but these are not adapted to the specifications of the different positions and the local requirements. They are just translations of foreign tests. Another issue concerns the type of employees / consultants they use. In order to keep employee costs low, they hire employees with minimum experience or no experience at all. They prefer graduates of Human Resources or Psychology but with non existent professional experience. These graduates receive no training and perform interviews and selection of candidates rather from the start. Due to the fact that they have no professional experience or understanding of the market, they cannot communicate effectively with the HR Directors and fill the positions with the right candidates. In many cases, employees are obliged to act as salespeople and this results in a low quality recruitment and selection processes. The situation becomes even worse in cases where the HR agencies offer more specialized services like human performance appraisal and training. On the other hand, there are some local small companies offering training seminars. The seminars they offer are not adapted to the specific needs of the companies, there are ready made packages from abroad. In addition, they offer a wide